Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Muti Tasking Research: Keeping it all moving forward. (The importance of research)

I'm working on a number of pieces of research right now and yes I have a little juggling to do in my somewhat eclectic life. At present, I'm on a research team discussing traits of leadership and analyzing those traits for statistically significant relationships. The other research I'm engaged in is economics and it has led to a lot of wonderful things but also comes with a caveat that was discovered through the process. I will discuss that caveat in the future at some point. Either way, I think what I'm doing is pretty important for economics, leadership, and even our civic duties (Some might not agree.). More on all that on another date....

Economic Cluster Research

My current stage of development is nearing the drafting and writing stage. I have included the basic information into my study but need to spend some time going through it and ensuring it is rewritten many times and in turn also connected well together. I am reviewing how some of those concepts are playing out in the current market and if they have any level of predictability. Through that research I found something else interesting and I believe it has merit and worth thinking and talking at some point. 

Leadership Competencies 

Leadership is important to our institutions and societies. Sometimes we get great leaders and sometimes we don't. There are certain competencies that we seek in leadership to fulfill our expectations as a society. We need certain competencies to succeed in our organizations and as a nation as a whole (All nations need good leaders.). Thus, understanding them leads to ways to possibly enhance certain leadership traits within the learning system itself (It sort of matches up to the competency system-model another researcher and myself sort of developed. It is being adopted.).

Competency characteristics are important to understand because without understanding certain needed characteristics we might fall into the same trap of electing, promoting, or encouraging leadership competencies that are not in alignment with long term organizational goals and objectives. We must start with knowing what specific competencies we need in leadership and then we can move onto other discussions. Thus, I not only support Research in leadership but also support self-professed leaders to keep Developing themselves to help develop their organizations (I guess that is called Research & Development! LOL. 🤣)

Because leaders make important decisions and influence others understanding of the world, it is helpful to narrow down to preferred characteristics. That comes with testing perceptions.  Researching and Development is part of the process of enhancing human capital through grooming our youth to be tomorrows leaders (We sort of messed up a little on a few things in my generation, but we have an opportunity to take what we learned and help the next generation. In research there are no mistakes, just more opportunities to understand. The silver lining.). If we can take broad based understanding of leadership that applies to most people we can then apply those concepts to enhance leadership through education.

Research Keeps Our Nation Going and Growing 

Research is becoming increasingly important to our society and our leadership over the past few years. We may have made a few assumptions that we are at the top of the game and we need no change, focus or attention. Additional perspectives in the decision making tree might have led to the problem's discovery a decade, two, or three ago through better perception sharing (More diverse top leadership teams from different something like race and culture all the way over to cognitive differences.) Let me show you an example of a problem creative capital matched with strategic decision making might have helped with....

Wake Up, America: China Is Overtaking the United States in Innovation Capacity

What you will notice is that China is poised to overcome the U.S. in technological development and some of that has come from not seeing the need for improvement and acting on that need early enough to avoid the problem in the first place. Reactivity is expected at first when we become aware we need to put on our economic rally caps on to get us out of the mess we ourselves have made.

As the authors states in the report, (Clay & Atkinson, 2023, Conclusion Para 5), 

"Overall, the previous decade was a success for China with respect to innovation and technological catch-up with the United States. The key question for U.S. policymakers is not whether China will continue to make gains relative to the United States when it comes to innovation and advanced production (that depends in large part on U.S. actions) but whether policymakers will make this challenge the central organizing principle for U.S. economic and technology policy. Doing so requires the kinds of national organization and commitment America has been able to muster in the past, from Hamilton’s efforts to become technologically independent from England to Roosevelt’s “arsenal of democracy” to the multi-administration effort to defeat the Soviet Union. In each case, leaders agreed on the challenge and, albeit sometimes with difficulty, mobilized political will and societal and economic resources to respond and win. That is once again America’s challenge. In the next decade, America must decide whether it will meet this challenge or shrink from it."

Now I have been looking at human capital for 2+ decades from a very unique angle and I will say that we have a human capital problem. On an individual level and on an institutional level. I believe matching enlightened leadership to more universal human capital development would create broad based improvements that impacts nearly all of the other economic factors at a root transactional level (infrastructure, crime, inventions/patents, pro-social behaviors, airports, ports, supply chains, money method, availability of information, market exposure, etc...) within the economic system (in my cluster case).  Thus, enhancing our infrastructure and technology development within rapid innovation systems (clusters) can happen through tying human capacity (creative and skill) to a receptive and investment rewarding environment that could spark industry butterfly innovation through multiple industries at the same time.

Is research and development important? Let us think about that for a moment.

Digital GDP (Changes in technology)

Infrastructure (An enhancement)

Economic Hubs in Asia The author of the study above mentioned the problem has been around for a decade so I wanted to include this decade old post. That shifting of jobs oversees is longer than a decade ago and I see it as almost 4 decades of often misaligned leadership decisions to long term objectives of national health (Somethings we do well and somethings we don't. This one we didn't think about long enough). 

There is more...I just put a few. 

Because I like to keep life a little on the light side I included a somewhat funny video on mad scientists. 😏😂 Sorry, I find this stuff sort of funny. Its like slapstick comedy. 🙊 💨

Disclaimer, I did hear a swear word in there so FYI.

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