Wednesday, June 14, 2023

How Challenging Can Improve Clan Based Justice Systems

 Protecting oneself is not going to be easy in places that embrace clan applied laws. Normally, you might have a few officers that may go rogue and when discovered they are held to account. In clan systems, the entire system focuses on helping their members even when major federal violations occur. Its one of those situations where the interconnected nature, dominated by a few influencers, suspicion of those who are different, leads to poor choices, decisions and in turn outcomes.

While I can't say every member of local law enforcement is this way, I believe you could probably ask any one of them if they are aware of some rumors related to ethnic cleansing of crazy Muslims out of their area and they would probably nod something affirmative (I'm a light right Republican but there appears to be an indication that far right extremists are influencing the local system in direct challenge to state, federal, and international law.)

When political, religious, ethnic, social and ultra-nationalist underpinnings influence decisions through the entire system all the way to the top of that system then we have bigger issues to contend with. Such clan based systems often rely on the same people within their vicinity/influence to investigate issues they were directly involved in and who are a central cause of the problem (i.e. vested interest and bias).

Two layers of leadership in one department and unfortunately another got snagged. More or less I believe the latter was unsure of how to handle these issues based on uniqueness and not maliciousness ( At least I don't see it that way yet. In this hypothetical and impossible situation, it would appear only one department didn't contribute a member to the cleansing cause. As we flip the pages of this obvious fantasy we may come to find out I may be wrong about that as well. By my nature, I give people the benefit of the doubt but only so long as I can reasonably believe an innocent/ignorant action occurred without intentional maliciousness.)

I'm for the most part a nobody, but when I see people given immunity for grotesque behaviors I become increasingly concerned these local systems can't hold "their own" to account and that puts everyone at risk. I grew up knowing if you want to do the right thing you will, if you want to accomplish something you will, if you see wrong doing and don't challenge it you are part of the problem. Well, we got a problem and I hope that this is a learning situation (These people are right they have taught me "lessons" and I would like to share what I learned with others. I mean at least until I get pulled over on a dark country road or someone else gets upset because someone tells them "no" and engages in a backroom conversation of how to teach more "lessons")

Default creates a major moral dilemma that can't be easily sidestepped or whisked away.  Targeting kids, spreading dangerous rumors, free passing hate, allowing financial crimes to occur, taking advantage of the sick, ignoring community complaints, and using local justice as a clan enforcement extremist leaning tool are wrong things on so many levels (Assuming in this situation all of that is true which we know could never, ever happen. Another hypothetical argument might be to give them wiggle room to deal with their issues with the full knowledge the hammer is coming. People wield this hammer all over the places in struggling democracies but it would be nice to have it hit the nail on the head every once in a while to remind people of their greater duties. It would be one way to encourage more motivation to have a 'moral conscious'. Just saying it might work. i.e. asking them to turn in corruption even though they have weak internal controls didn't seem to work. So in this accountability model one would have to then get increasingly more focused. Remember, corruption typically wins because they have used intimidation tactics and dishonesty to silence various concerns.). That is not how they see it of course. To them, I suspect they think me and people like me to be the problem. To me, when you misuse the law and mock our liberties because of racial, religious, and clan based affiliation I smack the liberty bell to warn others of local democracy struggling to maintain a healthy course.

If these officers ask why they are involved my answer is ,"You got yourself involved when you torched our Bill of Rights to help your friends". Other then those who are not part of this clan, I have the greatest respect for good cops and help them when I can and it seems prudent to do so (Remember that unless we have an alternative systems that functions policing is necessary and it is an honorable profession where we want young, bright, diverse, moral minds engaging in to help their people and their country. Good cops are welcome and bad cops must be muzzled.)  Right now, I'm helping those who went down a dark hole in a way it would be immoral for me not to challenge (I swore an oath to these things and I have sworn other oaths to the powers above. See I'm a conservative who believes in our country. My history also shows I'm a loyalist through thick and thin. That doesn't extend to being silent when we need correction.)

What is an American? They call me the bitch and yell that in front of my kids and then involved them in a harmful way. They say that when they misuse their friends in local law enforcement to engage in multi coordinated incidents over a 4 year period of time that would have cleansed anyone. Looks like they been doing this to people for sometime and they were good at it (Bravo you getting yourself busted!). 

I understand they were passing out immunities to their friends like candy. Justice shouldn't be a candy store for those obese on their own entitlement. Let us put some healthy fruit and vegetables into this one nugget diet that starves the greater body of nutritional need. Perhaps a little exercise would also help (Oh, I also have a fitness training license I would like to use more so if you need help please let me know. I like to run too something and not away from something if that helps put my fitness plan into perspective. 💁)

How does one protect themselves when clan based systems go crazy...."Do what is right! You don't need to be a perfect person to do that, you don't need a badge, you don't need to be an authority. You can make a dent in the darkness; whatever that darkness is. Just have good intention and do what is in the best interest of our society. Be positive, polite, say the truth and challenge shortsightedness and corruption for the benefit of everyone. Its difficult to put into a sound bite and sell politically but we can always hope more enlightened minds to come forward." (Kind of an interesting article on judges in society )

Do I expect to win or have essential and universal justice? I don't care if I do or I don't. What I care about is making sure it never happens again to anyone and the simple challenge alone makes the statement that our nation and its people will be free no matter how many capitols are sacked or how many local justice systems default. There will always be someone out there who will politely, positively, and with best interest of everyone in mind hold their stated boundaries no matter how many people line up to enforce their unwritten clan rules. Win or lose isn't really the ultimate outcome or factored much into the equation (Check your assumptions. Friends help you see what you can't see.). 

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