Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fire and Ice Firefighter Tribute: Why they do it?

This is a great firefighting video that takes a very unique and historical approach that discusses why firefighters engage in the world around them and put themselves at risk. In our area we rely on the firefighters a lot. One department trains all the time, every week, and is attracting interest as a local model. This volunteer firefighting station is one of be best units in the area and everyone contributes. Men and women are both involved (In the old days, it was primarily a male occupation

If you feel like joining the cause, donating, or contributing in some way reach out to your local firefighting station. 

I encourage our young people to make their mark on this world. While volunteering as a community seems something that our grandparents did when communities had little resources, it is increasingly important today where resources are stretched. We have global warming, purpose dilution, and other issues that need new ideas and young physical abilities. We want the youth to get involved in the building of our nation and of our communities. 

We do that best when we are all focused on the same goal. 

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