Friday, June 16, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 6/6/2023: 2nd Amendment, Mental Health, "The Girl", Community Engagement and Farts!

As the representation
of the power of women
and the start of the woman's movement.
Society continues to advance generation 
after generation.
by Edward Penfield (1866-1925).
For a number of reasons this is an interesting meeting and one can say that a lot was accomplished even though it doesn't necessarily seem intuitive on the surface. First, consider the high level of community engagement and secondly consider how these meetings have become avenues of addressing issues and concerns. Thus, in this case it looks like democracy is functioning fairly well and has become an avenue of change. We may not agree with everyone's perception and perspective but the process requires us to share those perspectives in a community conversation. 

(Notice how as people start asking questions, requesting information, defining problems and begin to ponder solutions. An educated, in terms of awareness, citizenship leads not only to better decision making through wider stakeholder analysis but often better market driven outcomes. Communities like this are communities that will thrive because they are actively engaged  and that fosters good governance. No matter your political interests it is important to encourage people of all different backgrounds and political persuasions to be involved in government. I encourage it precisely for better decision making by making a more accurate market assessment through multiple perceptions. Hyper politics is antithetical to good decision making and we may see a little of that influence. People are the customers. Its not something you can really put into a jingle and get votes but it is what it is. )

Let me say that I believe some of why democracies have been innovative is because they take the creative process and in rough cut form or another put it into a system of feedback loops. The only time this has issues is when the feedback loops are closed down and there is no constant tweaking/adjustments to the needs of people. This occurs when other things take additional consideration beyond the best outcomes of the people. Freedom of speech was brought up many times and there is some benefit in ensuring these channels of community stay open. We must converse to decide things and gain new knowledge.

(Think about this from an alignment perspective such as a functioning organization with ever department working toward some shared goals. This is a general sort of comment about all systems and isn't necessarily related to here. The needs of the people come first and if anything else such as groups, hyper politics, corruption, over focus on the needs of a small group of stakeholders, etc. mitigate that relationship then it would be a net detractor from democracies full functioning. In other words, Freedom of Speech is a absolutely necessity for the system to function well with new ideas, solving problems, and building trust with the public. This is why undisturbed time allotments are given. 3 min.

-Public Act 214 Veterans Relief Fund of 1899

AN ACT to provide relief outside of the soldiers' home for honorably discharged indigent soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses and members of women's auxiliaries and the indigent wives, widows and minor children of such indigent or deceased soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses and members of women's auxiliaries, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts.

-Discussion on bills and some run of the mill stuff.

-Concern over firing of County Admin for questioning integrity of board and the Airport manager for giving a tour of the facility to one of the board member's political opposition. Subject to harassment, looking for dirt and because of the toxic environment she had to resign. Andrea did a fine job and multiple people left the position. Concerned about image and felt as a veteran as a Navy officer for 30 years he sees mediocrity. 

-Person says its important for us to be able to bear arms if our rights being taken away.

-Another supports 2nd Amendment.

-Citing documents, Constitution and a number of other quotes. Discussion of militia. 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. 

-Someone said they appreciate the commissioners for protecting 2nd Amendment. 

-Resident brought up numerous ideas and concepts as it relates to militias. Its alot so watch min 38.

-Veteran came up and said he thinks the sanctuary isn't a good idea and we should not be worried about the Federal Government and National Guard coming to take our guns. He supports guns but thinks there are more important things for the committee to focus on .

-Veteran and Ex military and retired ex police chief of police deputy (somewhere else). He felt that the gun sanctuary issue is a waste of time and that people have concerns in the community. He is going to stay diligent. Recall effort. 

-Felt would like to see what the boards opinions are on guns. 

{47} American Rescue Plan Act monies. 6.9 million and $ 5 million left and $4 million set aside as well as other costs such as parks, maintenance, etc... Some of the commissioners are hiring the parks manager. Need an airport manager in 90 days. Took over roles in over the airport until someone is hiring.

-One commissioner wants some of the benefits at the top tier to be looked into because it looks like the same contract was used over and over. 

-Bills paid.

-Some rezoning. 

-Commissioner says that county is already of 2nd Amendment friendly officially. The county will not support the Red Flag Laws Public Act 38 2023 recently passed by the State of MI. Long discussion on different regulations, oaths, Constitution, etc. Discussion on mental health and intervention with issues. Further discussion of protections of class. 

(Here are my thoughts. I can see both sides of this argument. On one end there is compelling interest in allowing people to bear arms if they so desire but there are issues when certain types of people misuse guns. Especially true in the case of mass shootings. Creating an all encompassing law that covers all situations is difficult so it will come down in some sense to a judgement call. For one person having guns is not an issue at all and it is safe. Put that same tool in another person and the situation changes. How do you write that easily into a law in which everyone will be happy? Its hard so people will debate this for a while. In the area, there is hunting and other activities so guns are mixed into the lifestyle. There is going to be general support for the 2nd Amendment.)

-Commissioner went on to discuss certain rights and issues. 

-Commissioner discusses masks mandates. Mental health portions should be removed. Felt state isn't doing well with mental health.

-Someone said "fart in the wind!" (I giggled, come on it was sort of funny. 😂. I know I'm immature but I try and find life uplifting. Its the little things that crack me up.)

-2nd Amendment support passes.

-Septic system inspection likely won't be supported. The U.P. has lots of septics so that will not likely be supported.

-One was upset about people talking about things they didn't read. Would like the use of contract lawyers. Concerned about defunding mental health.

-Healthcare worker concern about the use of guns and all the people that have been hurt from them. 

-One person felt that the board deals with a lot flak. She discussed prayer. 

-Concerned citizen submitted information request. Wants Zoom. Indicated the Zoom is used at jail and could be used at county (Good point on perhaps using theirs if purchased by the county. Terms will make a difference. ). Freedom of speech concern.

-Citizen says guns are not the problem but the psychological drugs may be the issue. I think it is also has to do with treatment. 

-Citizen into talked deep on depression. 

-489 signatures, 214 want name removed and others valid. Only 8.9% are valid.  A day late and making some petitions as invalid. Missing publications. 650 people opposed.  (Notice how researching topics leads to more knowledge and possible new solutions. That doesn't mean she is or is not accurate because one should check for themselves, but that she appears on the surface to be knowledgeable and found a few key points that could be valid.)

-Concerned about board members wearing and intimidation, feels officers are over used when people talk, and feels there is some general dishonesty on the board. Concerned board is taking care of themselves and others. 

-Concerns a $470+k missing. On agenda to address financial concerns. Working with accountant. June 20th board meeting. 

-Resident likes new administrator and supports her. Doesn't like the bullying (Let's not be mean cats. Be nice to each other and address your concerns in a transparent way because it leads to longer term resolutions.

-2.40 Prior airport manager. A series of people coming up for the whole statement. An issue with a public comment a security breach at the airport that, according to the speaker, ended up being an issue of someone touring the airport from another political side (I think I understand this). All these people all the way over to TSA and FBI were involved. (Yikes! 😬 ). Concerned about some behaviors and you can watch them. Other officials were not called out. Felt is was a sex discrimination issue with "The girl" comment. Harassment claim without merit. 

-Arguments against decision making and new administration. Felt current hiring is based on not the most qualified person. Stress and anxiety have risen. 

-Doesn't respect leadership and can't work within it. 

-Likes the good work the board has done and felt he wants the Sheriff to sign off /support on boards proposal. 

-Concerned about deviations during COVID from state mandate. "Its not mean Michigan watching us!" (Just fyi Michigan's state animal is the deer and I kind of thought Wisconsin would be a cow for cheese but apparently its not. Deer vs. Cow). A rumor that zoom has nothing to do with cost but about someone wanting to attend a meeting with an ankle bracelet. 

-The person with the ankle bracelet indicated that the judge let him go to the meeting. He said he has ancle bracelet for 1st Amendment Rights. 

-Resident things the board came a long way in addressing freedom of speech issues since the beginning. 

-Commissioner addressed one of the concerns indicating separate entities. Further stated its unfair people are being mean to the new administrator. 

-Commissioner is for zoom. Has contacts with Congressman Jack Bergman's (R) office and Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) and working on good things with community. Helps with answers. New company Saunders Point Brewery coming to Gladstone.

-Commissioner stated two promotions in Sheriffs officer (Congrats!! Good job!).

-Admin discusses zoom. FOIA on zoom costs.

-Comm states he went to airport and didn't want to undermine anyone.  Concerned about getting bigger plans. Felt he might have made wrong comment because he knew the person for a long time but didn't mean anything negative by it. He said he is sorry to see her leave.

(One might consider a content analysis of all of the meetings to find similar strains, themes, and data points. This is sort of how you review ongoing community development in the big data world. It not only sometimes discovers issues, as a broad comment, but also finds similar themes. Technically one could break all these down and code all of the important comments and themes to sort of create a benchmark of what issues are important to people, where they are in terms of solving those issues, and where there are gaps of information that lead to incorrect choices. It is used in social media analysis for marketing all the time. You can learn about Marketing Content Analysis in an example A Content Analysis: Examining Facebook Comments on News Media Posts For Echo Chambers Media Posts For Echo Chambers .)

"Civilization is not a burden. It is an opportunity." Alexander Meiklejohn

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