Monday, June 19, 2023

Blinken Says U.S. and China Meet to Stabilize Ties (The Concept of Economic Decoupling)

Communication is key to any conflict resolution and an adversarial relationship between Secretary of the State Anothony Blinken and China appear to have had a positive result in improving frosty relationships. Of course we don't know until we wait and see but we should accept the general process of conflict resolution on this level. As this conflict continued we have seen the world become somewhat polarized economically through a concept called Economic Decoupling. 

Let us also add that the global economy works well when there is open global trade (There have been complaints that China was engaged in unfair trade practices.). Conflict has caused some chest beating and that is leading in some way to divergent economic actions. You can learn about this more in Destructive Decoupling (I don't have a full opinion on this yet other then to say that the ultimate goal is free and open trade.)

A very nice article by CNN. Blinken touts ‘progress’ made in highly-anticipated Beijing meetings


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