Friday, June 9, 2023

An Article Teaches Why Its Time for the U.S. to Compete (War Games)

If you would like to read something that sent shivers down my spin it is the article below by Politico. Its not often that I read something and I think about the longer term ramifications of not being proactive as possible. Its a pretty in depth article so expect to sit for a while. Before you read, I have been advocating for innovation and development of infrastructure for a long time to encourage advanced Digital Age development (Basically, all next Gen stuff). 

To me, I think the markets are shifting back to U.S. manufacturing and if we were wise and played our cards right since COVID-19, we may find some of the negative news over the past few decades to provide a reversal of fortune. A little light at the end of the tunnel, a flicker of animal spirits in the economic world, one must provide vision and direction (human capital).

Some of that direction has come from the need to build stronger advanced manufacturing to strengthen our economic prospects. Such manufacturing requires equally advanced supply chains that can cross navigate and cross coordinate across different global networks. Its a much more finer and more calibrated system then what we had in the past because of the evolving changes in e-commerce. 

The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China

Whatever we were doing in the past didn't completely work. The process got stale and we failed to change at some point which left us in a less then desirable position (We have a good economic base and some diversity opportunities China doesn't have. For example, Communism is about control and thus about uniformity. The U.S. as a diverse nation that seeks to maximize freedom encourage at its root creative competition. They are different systems. We are just failing to maximize our human capital well and there are a number of institutional and political reasons why that is happening.). We can change that, enhance our industrial base and develop our creative human capital. The problem is that we must be committed to change through a shared vision what that change may look like.

In some ways, we must again inspire our youth to become dreamers, strivers, inventors and builders! Switch the paradigm and put down the silliness of our times, learn from history, and make a commitment to a future strategic place. Change takes real commitment to our ideals and to our development as a nation. All Americans no matter their background. Republican and Democrat own the outcomes of this one and both parties owe the American people their best efforts. 

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