Thursday, June 15, 2023

Not Much Matters Outside of the Clan: Community Begins to Understand

I'm not going to spend a lot of time this morning as I have a few things I need to accomplish today. First, let me say that challenging embedded corruption is not easy. In such systems they close themselves off from outside oversight and from outside perspectives which allows them to continue down their path. When this happens they become unchanged systems and if they feel  pressure they rally their wagons but they don't come to grasp their greater purpose. 

We should sort of expect some of that behavior when homogenous clan based behaviors are a social driver to free passes for behaviors that would normally be considered federal and international violations. They just are not in this case yet because of lack of knowledge, lack of values, and common lip service to their oaths. Not everyone is going to do the right thing and most are going to play with its subjectivity.

I heard a little more information recently that supports the belief that intentional maliciousness, mental health, and self enrichment were at center of primer issue (The others associated with the group joined in to help them punish the minorities in their community. It looks like a learned pattern over years of circumventing rights.). Likewise, It also supports the idea that elderly and sick were taken advantage in more than one case to help the perpetrators advantage themselves (If true, its immoral but we really shouldn't worry about that much in a closed system. These things don't matter here like they might in other places. i.e. simple questions like how sick, what information was given to, what wealth was taken, are not asked, etc...they are just sort of swept under the carpet. ). 

All of this could be true or it could lead to an additional explanation. It see it based on actual repeated occurrences more likely to be true then untrue (74% true in a criminal form). I don't like to think in definitive terms. When we sort of drill down into the nitty gritty details we often find that there is not only much more but some variability on the initial issues (That is why impartiality is important and one shouldn't just ask the people who caused the problem to be the one's to investigate the problem.)

If you understood the personalities involved you would also understand how this is possible and how they can easily use their social networks to attack and target others (i.e. flying monkeys who have no clue why they are hating on other people.). I think if you asked most people to step back and ponder the possibilities based on the casual awareness of the parties involved you could see that toxic mix. 

Instead of spending more time this morning on this issue let me say that that personality led to an increase in targeting of children, lack of oversite, and multi department coordination to clean the "problem" out of the community. Problem being  see as anyone who disagrees with bad behaviors and anyone who is 1.) not part of the clan, 2.) not of a race or religion this clan can accept, and 3.) drawing boundaries that reflect negatively on the clan.

These behaviors got dangerous and they will likely will get dangerous again (The dangers of repeated free passes.). Minorities, constituting a growing 60% of society, sort of know how this works and how quickly in history the professed moral beliefs of good old boy networks typically fall to the wayside under historical scrutiny (In other words, most of us know its hate based except the people involved in it or have some vested interest in support it.).  

The only thing I'm going to say that really is noteworthy is that I'm very impressed by how people have responded in a positive way even after the hate narrative made its way throughout the community. I think the community is becoming increasingly aware of what happened and how immoral it was and how immoral the free pass system is on a root level. They have provided a level of moral support through their kindness which continues to show me that its a smaller then initially thought group (I can be wrong and people can swing back toward moral conscious. If we could get some of the officials to do that we could put the entire system on a healthier path. I mean, assuming it has any value to anyone.). I think people are increasingly aware of the community complaints that go unchecked, unvetted, and often ignored (If there is a clan that protects its own then it makes sense. No one outside that group is going to matter much when push comes to shove.)

Today is a day that comes with many mixed blessings. If you are a target of hate, take some small token of consideration that there are people out there, millions of people, who may have experienced the same thing. We just haven't found the solution yet. Let us keep our prayers lifted to the heavens and our eyes open to what is in front of us.

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