Wednesday, May 3, 2023

World Economic Forum Indicates 25% of Jobs will Disappear in 5 Years (Platform Shift)

It is encouraged to have our leadership consider the benefits of moving to a higher economic platform and I believe that to be good advice. Of course with all things, everyone wants a little something from the pie, so we will likely get into all the side arguments and that will lower our overall ability to focus on what is important. There will become a point where we become beyond the sweet spot where maximum advantage can come from proactive thinking. (Reactive on big trends is reactive management and often leads to greater loss.). 

There is this thing called freedom of speech that leaders and people use to bring forward ideas and solve problems. Some believe in it and some don't (I have seen stifling and encouraging). The reason why we have this freedom is to improve society and improve coordination. Wise use of that is to help people think beyond the obvious and our own self interest to something more important and beneficial for society (from a generation to generation perspective). 

Coming up with a reasonable economic plan makes sense. Let us consider this tree I have been barking up about human capital. Let us consider the WEF report

'Future of Jobs' (Lots of big data in this report. Methodology seems ok and its insightful for sure. Definitely worth reading.)

What we find is that there is a platform shift where new jobs will be created, old ones will be destroyed and the very nature of commerce and social life shift. Digitization and new innovative strategies that bridge the gap between the human and robotic capacities. Our world is likely to change quickly and I would like to see if the rest of our society can adapt (My theory I'm working on is about economic and social adaptivity to innovation and change.)

We are changing and we only partially see that change and it will have impact on all aspects of our society in one for or another. We can talk all day about human capital development, innovative capacity systems (i.e. innovative systems), human rights, education, research, big data (changing our narrow lens) government platforms and the like. Its just rhetoric unless we seek to meet the emerging trends and strengthen our nation.

None of that conversation is going to come to much benefit unless we have the leadership that has the capacity to think over the horizon, work with multiple stakeholders (i.e. both parties) and follow their own internal compass (Easier said then bragged about or done.). Good and wise leadership should step forward to encourage the nation to adapt. That leads me to this drivel....

'Our Two Biggest National Threats Post Afghanistan? (Decision Making and Human Capital Management'

*We will also need to discuss the importance of ensuring increased integrity of institutions as we move through these transitions. That is a very difficult thing to do sometimes because everyone has an opinion and their opinions are seen as 100% fact. Yet institutional trust is what allows these transitions to be more coordinated and manageable. Its sometimes confusing why integrity is important from a human capital level and economic growth level but let us just go with it for the moment. Let us call it the benefit of doubt. Its not the Santos Method but the end of the day you got to work with chips you have. Monkeys and Social Learning

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