Friday, May 5, 2023

Why Are We Struggling with Universal Values (Its not pretty)

Universal values and universal application of law is necessary for the good moral health of our society. It is not something we are doing very well at in our present condition. We have some issues we need to overcome and we are dropping the torch. Not all bad and not all good.

Until we begin to see each American as having value and having certain social contract guarantees we will not see fair or universal treatment.  It will always be less and justice will be subjective in some places and systems. A sort of fleeting idealist concept.

To me, treating people as though they have value and not judging people by race and religion are an important part of building trust within our institutions. Not engaging in corruption to help one's friends is also another criteria of a trustworthy system. Following up on such behaviors would be another. So on and so forth but we do know this already.

I cannot say everyone believes in our central American ideals. I have seen people rage, enrich, spread dangerous rumors, clans coordinate in aggression, take advantage of the sick and dying, and commit crimes to ensure that opinions (more important fundamental rights) such as these are not expressed publicly or realized. 

We do a lot of talking about freedom speech, freedom of religion, and other freedoms. Its mostly talk by most people. The one's who actually believe in that are more rare. They don't need to please their social networks or follow lower order value systems. They strive to be good stewards of public trust and their roles.

While I cannot tell you if our justice system will change enough to protect and value all Americans I can say that its not because millions upon millions of people didn't hope it would. We just never had the political capital to make many worthwhile changes. So until there is a change of the moral compass of our leadership we will continue to see crimes committed, uninvestigated and given a free pass for what appears as third world justifications.

I'm a proof in pudding guy (I'm not rigid I can say I wait, think and let the truth unfold. It may unfold in a different direction then I expect but that is based on mixed positive and negatives experiences that appear to be accurate. I have met so many good officers but also some bad ones so I cant say precisely their values. It's a mixed bad.). It looks like it is what it is and the truth is not a pretty one. There may of course be another proof but I'm like that half of Americans that sort of wonder if what is being said actually has a level of merit or its just election rhetoric and talk. The later often seems more important.

(That also brings forward an idea proposed by a study that people are beginning to trust the general collective conscious as a societal system when compared to individual, group or institution to hold our central values and laws sacred. I guess that makes sense because our institutions function within that collective will but sometimes struggle with the basics of application. Not all systems and of course not all officers and people but enough to make it somewhat subjective and inconsistent. We should work to bring them into alignment and reward those within that system that have steadfast values.)

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