Thursday, May 11, 2023

No One Needs a Legal System of Disparate Laws: A Conservatives Perspective

Let me say that being a light Right conservative in today's world is not easy as there are pressures to conform to more robust perspectives. If you are a divergent thinker you can often see the validity of perspective of both sides but then get caught into the political encampment. Some will see you as not far right enough and others will see you as too far right. No matter these differences, there is one thing that should not be politicized and that is our laws and law enforcement. 

Regardless of if you are the farthest of all far right perspectives or the farthest of all left perspectives we should agree that we need our laws to apply universally and we need our police to act with integrity. I believe, that if we get down into the weeds of the discussion even most police officers would like to improve their functioning and get better at protecting the public. 

(Personally, while there are good and bad police. Most of the problems don't come specifically from them but the toxic environments in which they sometimes work, the wishy washy political perspective, and a general lack of awareness and proper oversight by our courts.  Its not fair to put all of the blame on police as 80% are doing the right thing but the 20% who are staining the shield have little boundary control and dominate some of their department perspectives. The same as when they violate our core national laws.)

That requires vision by our leadership and often they are so busy arguing that they forget how important policing is to protect the public from criminals as well as ensure they do their jobs with integrity. I hope someday these leaders will come to see the value in honest and thoughtful policing. We should always reach for the lofty so as to create the right perception of improvement.

In theory they would agree but in their ability to actually truly create that environment I'm not sure they are 100% sure they know what they are doing. I believe anyone in this changing time would struggle to know where the right path may lay. However, we should know what the wrong path is and that is providing immunity for any crime committed by officers. 

(Not all of our politicians, academics and scientists know what to do. It is a discussion but what can't continue is the allowing of poor behaviors based on our ability, or lack thereof, to manage the system properly. We are not enforcing our shared laws in some areas for social, racial and religious affiliation. It's a federal and international crime in some incidents.)

Even if these crimes are against the very nature of human development, freedom of speech and freedom of religion we are confused why we would want to avoid allowing them to continue. Just like I have seen an extremism leaning clan circumvent and violate our laws without accountability, I have seen a failure to uphold our laws with appropriate checks and balances. Its called a default (At least from a minority perspective where the application of laws are sometimes highly subjective.)

(Even with the Capital Riots and the potential for public execution of our politicians if the extremist mob turned down one hallway versus the other doesn't seem to faze the idea that extremism is a universal problem in every culture, race, and religion but we have a very ethnocentric approach to dealing with it which makes us blind to the problem and to the solutions.)

Situations like this have long term consequences when we fail to enforce the greater national laws on these rogue elements and those that profited from shadow behaviors. It is just a sign of rot and decay and the lack of perspective on what it means to be an American in today's society. It sets up the American and "American" systems as separate that should instead be fused into one. 

(I believe that time is coming with big data that will force us to recognize how poor some of our decisions have been and with luck those who failed to step up to the plate when they were called to stand up for our central values. As with all things, its mixed.)

Here is how I see the new conservative and more modern politician. Wise enough to understand the subjectivity of the sometimes ridiculous and manipulative arguments brought forward for political gain. They put the American people first above their own needs. They truly want to build a great nation and avoid slipping to #2 due to lack of ability to work with all societal stakeholders. Support our Constitutional rights and protects freedom of religion (Not just one religion) as central to our national existence (As a full and shared identity of diverse people). 

The modern conservative should more free market but fair and free market that is not manipulated by large business or political interest groups. Basically, we need leadership development. I guess its the same for Democrats. We need conservatives that go back to the root of conservatism which includes effective use of government to achieve more with less in a way that limits the need for such a large foot print, reducing taxes by ensuring we are using tax resources wisely, standing for freedom of religion (a free nation of religious practice), and encouraging general values and performance in society through freedom of speech.

(These are just ideas. They are also not popular and sometimes violently opposed through political and ethnocentric violence. We are just at that spot where the path forward looks like we need real solutions to real problems and both sides of the political perspective own that. Let me be the best friend of our local police and help them help themselves manage officers with bad behavior. I can do that fairly and honestly and supported by research on how certain crimes may be given a free pass. How to challenge corruption and create the context so these department heads fulfill their sworn oaths and duties. Especially the ones to our flag and the people who value it's hard won words. "liberty and justice for all")

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