Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Jogging, Its Benefits and Amount Needed (Motivational Video)

Jogging is a great way to improve health and fitness. Jogging is cheap to do and is natural. Recently I started jogging again and am approaching the activity differently then I did in the past. Now it is about balance to maximize benefits between exercises. Some jogging, some biking, some boxing/martial arts, some surfing, some swimming,  some yoga, some walking, etc. 

Its the variety that maximizes the outcomes because each exercise uses different skills and abilities. For example, running is great for cardio, but should be balanced with yoga. Dance increased cardiovascular health, brain health, strength and range of motion and those same skills can be found in self-defense. 

One could possibly create a plan with different activities to create total body health. I'm a fitness trainer but have not used it in any real capacity. So I will share some of my thoughts and ideas if they are helpful to you. 

Try not to engage in the same activity over and over so as to ensure you are maximizing adaptation while avoiding injury. Overuse injuries are common when we get stuck on an activity and do it over and over without variety. Our bodies can become weaker and we can lose muscle tone. Mix it up. 

According to the study below jogging at my own pace for 50 minutes a week would provide me with the most return for my effort. My goal is to jog 3 x per week at 40 minutes in each session to provide the health benefits and ensure recovery time in between. The added benefit of more calories burned. I do other stuff so I don't need to focus on one thing. 

'Review Across 230,000 People Shows How Much You Need to Run to Lengthen Your Life'

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