Wednesday, May 10, 2023

DOJ Unseals Indictment Against Congressman Santos

Congressman Santos has been indicted in a direct rebuke to the 'Santos Method' of getting ahead in politics. I think this is what needed to happen here. At some point I believed these charges would come up. United States Attorney's office 'Congressman George Santos Charged with Fraud, Money Laundering, Theft of Public Funds, and False Statements'

Its a statement of value and who we are. This happens when central values are violated and the institutions step up to certain crimes and behaviors. These were not accidents or small mistakes but according to the indictment look unsophisticated and repeated. That would indicate possible issues in thinking, emotions and choice that lead to a path of taking advantages of others and lying all the way (I have seen similar type of people cause serious chaos and harm for others by just lying over and over.)

I like the way they wrote the quote below. There is a touch of the poetic in it but not so much to make it obvious. Imagery of an entitled person trying to reach a loftier position to make more money. Marching up a staircase and driven by desire. (Its kind of sad if you think about what was going through his head. Why does power and money come to define him? What in his life, psychology/biology would drive him to have this unquenchable need to be special from primarily external validation?

Taken together, the allegations in the indictment charge Santos with relying on repeated dishonesty and deception to ascend to the halls of Congress and enrich himself.

btw. Notice that you can take things together to create an indictment. Single incidents might be a mistake but repeated incidents are a sign of pathology of behavior. One can often trace back the logic of each one to self gain of our behaviors. i.e. all behavior is goal directed. If one were to put all of these behaviors in a spreadsheet and then analyze their potential benefits and detractors in goal direction it would be possible to map the most likely objective ultimate unstated goal of a person who engaged in a series of certain behaviors. Finding patterns in data and that is what will likely happen with big data as well. We should always be aware that sometimes the ultimate goal isn't self gain. There are a few people in the world who are selfishly unselfishly serving their communities and doing the right things.

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