Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting (5/2/2023): Artifacts, Attorneys, Advocacy Group, Accounting Questions, Solar and Land Annexation!

This Commissioner Meeting as an important milestone in local government alignment and there has been a shift in the mannerisms that while may not be at first apparent but one can tell that they are drawing a little closer in perspective. There were some acknowledgements on some shared sense of responsibility and some outward adjustments that indicate inner perceptual changes that were important and likely more important in the near future. Some clearing of the air if you will. 

First and foremost there was a discussion on the board making decisions in the best interest of the public and there was a discussion on the process by which situations (land annexation) are decided. It is the process that makes the biggest difference. You may read 'Dialogues in Democracy'. It is helpful to conduct activity as transparently as possible to draw in support. 

Secondly, we find young people becoming more involved in democracy which could be counter to the trend. As a nation we have suffered from a younger generation that doesn't understand the concept of democracy because we seemed to have fumbled around with the torch a little. We are in a state of transition to becoming something new as a nation and it will have an impact on places like Escanaba as well as other towns across America.

There are some important stats in Endorsing Democracy that we should take heart and think about. We want youth to be aware and we want them to be involved in building out democracy to its next universal stage of development. We want them to contribute even if we as old geezers don't agree 100% in their perception (I tell people this all the time. My generation is the only generation to truly understand when the older chalk board world moved to the digital world. When we are young we had little technology and today we would be hard pressed to recognize all the changes and those changes still to come at a more rapid pace. We are the last of the old, raised in our first years when small family farms were common and no one fathomed a cell phone or had access to the internet. We were the early adaptors of modern tech.) Our goal is to give them something better then when we found it; not the other way around. 

You will also find some young activism starting. People are paying attention because this is how democracy functions, its challenges, and its avenues of improvement. It also has triumphs. There are no perfections except in idealism form but moving toward transparency and inclusive governance helps in creating additional democratic engagement. 

Lots of stuff going on so watch the video and read some of the notes. 

Notes: I try and be accurate but if wrong just post a note and I will correct if it make sense.

-Interviewing new administrator candidates. 

-Solar and community issues as it relates to annexation.

-One commissioner talked to Cornell Twp and Escanaba Twp officials and they felt mislead by the petition. A list of issues with the petition. Misrepresentation, dishonesty, and general desire to remove their names. One commissioner might gain from the annexation. A way to let the people vote.

-Another commissioner is starting to investigate/study it but it lands on this board. 

-Another commissioner felt there is a strong personal gain for one commissioner and has heard a lot of complaints. 

-A fourth commissioner indicated there was information and maps that people could see. The commissioner felt that the signatures are valid and people were not being pressured. Changes moved from county supervisors to county commissioner. Property rights issue. Esc. Twp has had zoning changes. Enforce zoning on some and turn a blind eye on others. Founding fathers and Declaration of Independence and same venue. (I'm a little lost. I think this is a property rights issue.). Indicates the twp opposed the development and in turn cancelled the existing contract with a developer. Wasn't any other developer. They want to stop solar. Solar amendment. They knew about it since 2020. December 2020 was to "lawyer up". Just a few people. Intimidation against land owners. The person who collected these signatures is an honest man. 500 form Esc. Twp. 100 from Cornell Twp. agreed to it. Ad hoc committee that said they are going to not allow owners use their property they want. Regulation is legalized theft. They don't have solar but now we do. You can use solar but not on 10 acres or more.  The biggest industry is solar energy in Delta County. (Some people laughed deputy may be asked to step in and remove and/or quiet crowd.) One to two billion investment (That would be cool but I think there is a better way to do this.) Billerud 29 million abatement over 20 years. Feels that we can help solar. People are intimidating people. 

(As a side point, I'm not seeing an argument against solar but more about the way in which it is legally created and the transparency in which it is being done. That should be good news for the solar industry that they have support. If we did a shared county/township and tax agreement on the shared property we could probably find a way to rectify this. Large investments can have catered agreements for the land in question. That way no one has to be out taxes, perhaps gain more taxes, and improve the first responder capacity. I would suspect if done correctly, a tax sharing over the property, that Esc. Twp would agree to put in place a letter of agreement with Cornell Twp. Some things to be worked out but I think its possible. Its not up to me, but it is just a perspective.)

Here is the article in our local TV 6 'Delta County Board discuss township boundaries and potential annexation'. 

Another commissioner indicated he liked solar but think it could be compromised. Annexation is the wrong way. 

Discussion continues that proper right owners have been stripped of their proper rights. Change ordinance and change stuff. The twp. officials made it clear that big part of twp. was set aside for housing. They don't care about farms. They don't want their farm to be restricted. He speaks for Delta County landowners and his township of 7600. 

Another says that elected officials and others are complaining about the way in which things are being done. Not against solar but against annexation. 

A commissioner doesn't like the comments in the paper and he is trying to protect the public. Some are calling him corrupt but no change has actually changed. This is the first board meeting. His vote is to go to where he feels is best for the county. Vote comes forward on the 16th. Free coffee and convo!! Isn't going to resign but can be recalled. 

Another commissioner felt that he will not step down but need to be removed. 

Another indicate that 80 emails a day are coming in and asking them to resign and be honorable. No plan on resigning.

Resident brought up administrative fees and lots of costs that are not being accounted for. Wants an answer on the money. Wants any contract from Conservation District should be reviewed. 

Resident who did tax bills and said a solar farm is not agricultural but is industrial and taxes on those properties will rise.  A lot of issues if you move the lines. 

DC Just Facts person was banned. Its the judiciary branch makes the decision on Constitutional infringement. Not board.

No constitutional issues.

Solar company will pay for taxes (Another warning on deputy coming in to control crowd groaning).

Admin report: Invited to participate in event by Delta County Chamber to learn about local state government and opportunities. $15 million to housing development by MEDC. Invest UP focused on shovel ready property and relationship to job growth. Show return on investment. Other criterial. 

Realignment of job duties by county clerk. 

Conservation District comes on record to say they did not do anything wrong. Went back to 2006. You can watch at 1.20. Home Depot bailed but Menards came in and wetlands became productive in terms of revenue generation. Ok this guy has a great memory. In other words, he has been doing this for a long time. 1.4 million in grants was brought in.  (There is this guy I found online called Memory Man. There must be a strategy to this memory skill!) He understands why people are questioning the money the way its written. 

Discussion on the planning commission, finance committee and open positions. Commissioner (COM) believes that should follow same process and some concerns of recommendations. Likewise, there was a vote and based on groupings it was voted similarly (This means there are some fundamental ideological differences of the two groups. What I will say is that as long as everyone is working in the publics best interest then things will be decided accordingly. What we don't want to get into is destructive conflicts that don't serve a purpose and don't fix anything. Appropriate disagreements are good as long as they have a greater goal in mind. Its not a specific comment but just a thought.) A person has been nominated and rejected by 3 to 2.  Finance committee and public. Wants policy.{1.46} Executive session.  

Contract should be reviewed by attorney and legal opinion was sent. 

They voted to pay their bills! (Yikes paying bills sticks but its a necessity. Kind of funny Al Pays Bills )

Bullet hole in the plaque for the trail. The trail was used by Native Americans, travelers, traders, soldiers, etc. She needs the dates. It takes time to research out history type stuff. this was an ancient trail. (I love hiking! Great activity. Hiking and life motivation.)

DC treasurer investment report and policy. Investment accounts seek to diversify. Most of it isn't in liquid form. $12 million is a lot but its not that much.  Economic developing is a wonderful thing. Having more money and investing that wisely is part of fiduciary responsibilities. We can discuss investment portfolios for local governments but we also, like Escanaba, need to grow revenue. This is also why I encourage the county to follow Escanaba's lead and start thinking about development more seriously. Coordination between Delta County, Escanaba, and Gladstone businesses and government can make a huge difference in the trajectory of this area. Here is something I found on growing revenue sources. '8 Local Government Revenue Generation Sources 2023'  It includes business investment (Downtown would be a good place for new small tourism micro manufacturing businesses and housing)

Developer interested to develop 28 parcels. 

Review of attorneys. I'm pretty sure the local prosecutor isn't going to be happy. In one of the prior meetings there was a discussion on using outside counsel. Based on the comments brought forward it appears they want council beyond the local prosecuting attorney because they want a more specialized skill set. It was also mentioned that there are issues coming up and I'm curious what that means. While I could see attorneys to deal with investors, infrastructure, etc. this appears to be a different kind of issue. Perhaps there is an internal lawsuit based on real or perceived injury (That is speculative so keep it as a possibility based on what other things happened with positions and roles. Speculative is like "Maybe based on these factors but certainly can be something else."). Another commissioner indicates that he is afraid that if we took on the attorney we could then be sued for a million dollars. Commissioner 2 responds that we don't have to use the attorney but we have used the prosecuting attorney 7,8 X in the past 30 to 60 days. We need direct vote of the board (right now there are two camps so a majority is easy to get.) Wants to pay prosecuting attorney more. Here is something to think about. It may or may not be a good idea, but if someone did something wrong or inappropriate and the county is on the legal hook it might make sense for the county to make the case that the action was the individuals issue in direct violation with county policies (Assuming there was an issue...). The last thing the county would want to do is put themselves in a situation where they have to pay someone else's legal expenses that may or may not be acting in/out of their role within the county. If the nature is grotesque and outside a normal expectation of their role it is possible that the prosecuting attorney could make the case that the primary defendant should be the person who caused the problem and not the county who was also a victim of such behaviors. I doubt it would take away the liability for a case but it would shift liability more into the hands of a violator. (Again, this is speculative by nature.). That might require the a good faith effort to investigate, remove, and/or prosecute bad behaviors (I'm not saying that this would be an issue because the attorney need may be a completely different related issue but just discussion for understanding to ensure we are aware of some of the possibilities.)

-Unprofessional comment. Rules are bent if it makes some feel good or follows an agenda.

-One concerned about a packet commissioner brought forward of concerns. Another commissioner then stated they didn't care about these concerns and then went to vote. The taxpayers sign your document. She believe they have been hired to represent ALL of us. She used ALL a number of times. She indicated padded wallets, self interested, get back at people, election campaigns, etc. The word ALL was used again. The caps is the emphasis.  

-Issues with Zoom and doesn't feel that they are taking care of ADA. Also concerned about rules of email people and what about criticism of the county. It stifles free speech. 

-Do not want annexation. People of Escanaba Twp don't want it. 60 people at meeting to have their signatures removed. They were misrepresented and lied to and upset. No benefit for either twp. A letter Oct 12 2020. to one of the Comm the development from Esc. Twp. indicating while the taxable value goes up they are not interested in the facility and asked if it is possible to annexation and would be more likely to approve solar facility. (I'm not opposed to the facility but would like big things like this to be thoroughly seen, discussed and approved/denied transparently on facts)

The planning commission hired someone with no experience as a recording secretary. (I wonder if that allow for a printed agenda/minutes to be posted by the county? ) 20 questions on how to improve property but was run out of meeting.

-One board member interested in solar farm for long time. Doesn't like annexation. Felt that other people's property rights are being impacted. Packet information should be known by comm. Replace them at ballot box. Solar system temporary jobs (Maybe construction jobs). Vangehoven hills thing???(I might have wrong name. What is this?)

Group on Delta County Citizens for Ethical Leadership. They feel like they want to remove people from positions of power. They are not a silent group. We are actively ensuring removing some members from the board for not serving the public.

You can gain more information about this group on their Facebook Page. They seem like a motivated group. Democracy does rely on our ethical leadership and people willing to encourage that transparency. I like what they have below because they are showing people you can challenge and do so in a polite and reasonable way (Hopefully. That looks like the intent on the page.) 400 current members.

1 Local Politics Only
Our group is focused on local politics only. Please keep National politics out of our conversations.

2 Be kind and courteous
We're all in this together to create a Welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

3 No promotions or spam
Give more than you take in this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed.

4 No hate speech or bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientatio…

5 Bipartisanship
Everyone has their own political ideology and that will be respected. This group is for everyone across the political spectrum as local issues impact …

-Concerned on accounting and handshake deals.   

-Soil and erosion and want to know who will manage those contracts. Who does the accounting books for the park. Would like to see who manages the accounting for the books and he believes and has heard there is a conflict of interest with who does those books. (You may be interested in this insightful perspective on Parks and Recs Accounting) {3.12}

-Wanted to clarify a few things. Hand shake are contracts. Conservation district is a contractor. Should not take more then is allowed $200 K is accounted for and $240K {3.15}

-Feels that commissioners are being blindly followed. Feels that some commissioners are being respectful and some are not. Concerned with overall behaviors on different venues and including social media. Using terms like Liptards (I think I got it right. I have no idea what that means. I went and looked it up. There is Liptards and Libtards. Its hard to tell which one.) and RINO. ( What is this word "RINO" that people hurl at each other with such enthusiasm?  Republican Increasing New Opportunities? We should be doing that for the next generation. Same for Democrats. RINO-DINO spirit of building a great nation! Sorry probably a dumb idea.  ðŸ˜² 💨). She wants the word tard removed (I agree. Keep things as business acumen as possible.). 

Heard one of the contractors say in a few meetings I could have taken it all. $3.5K to 75K. Would like to see the attorney's opinion. Mention of a $500K missing. Want to know what happened with the money?

She felt that the recording secretary didn't have the experience. She was interested in learning as being a secretary and wanting to know more on how to do it. I work for the county. Not planning commission.

-8-12 full time jobs and local contracts. Was contacted by solar company. Can only see building but not windmills. No one every buys local farmer stuff and the solar would help them use their land. I do agree with helping and supporting local farmers. We should have a better venue for farm to table. I wonder if we could have better venues for someone to coordinate places to sell our local food under a county brand (They do that in Italy with wine), offer in store purchases at local stores, and weekly deliveries. Even if they are bigger farmers coordinated marketing can make a big difference. 

-Letter 1: The annexation forcibly would dissolve Escanaba Township. Believes others were deceived and falsification of reasons. Wants the annexation dismissed. 

-Letter 2: Feels her ADA was violated and we need an attorney general opinion on this. Blatant conflicts of interest. 1 week notification. It appears that the withdrawal of applications shows that. Short term rental issues are need. Houses rented out are hotels and not houses. 

-Admirable commissioners and thank you for taking the negative public comments. People only want democracy if its their way. Child or mother were being harassed and attacked and no one said anything. 

-Comm stated he talked to different people and apparently the annexation may land on the county board shoulders. Well my opinion is that this is not Santos Method on Congress and I do not believe that you can have all of these questions, accusations of misrepresentation and people trying to remove their names and leave that to a simple board decision. You may have lawsuits such as the one brought forward by Escanaba Twp you may also get one from Cornell Twp and maybe even one from the state. It depends if they feel that the decision appeared to be misrepresented. I'm not opposed to the solar farm and can see some of the benefits but this is a community decision. The only thing board members should do is provide information and let people to make a decision on it. One doesn't just represent people who agree with them. 

-Honor flight. Queen voyages is having an open house. Highland Internet Riber cutting (I don't know what this is. It think its Highline Internet) Fire signs. Would like the commission to answer questions from the public.

-Comm went to meeting. A nice commissioner award. Great and congrats.

-CS Lewis, “If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.” 

-We can discuss Zoom on next meeting. 

-The offer for coffee is still up. No lattes! Working on self reflection. Sincerity to the table. You have the right to say it, even if I don't like it. Different meetings. 


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