Friday, May 5, 2023

Banking Crisis: Looks Like Regional Banks Finding Footing

We have some commotion in the banking industry and hopefully that will be resolved soon. We again are dealing with transitions and changes in the market. The interest rate hike didn't really cause the issue so much as to rip the band aid off of what appears to have been an ongoing issue. Sometimes when we put pressure on an system that has issues it causes ripples in the market. There should be an adaptive stage that encourages these banks to adjust their processes to reduce these risks going forward.(Depending on who you talk to it can come from market pressures, regulation pressures or a little of both.)

PacWest stock jumps 70% as regional banks rebound on Friday, but still down sharply for the week

You may also find that there could be some short selling predatory behaviors as well as potential mismanagement within the organization (Potential). It will take some time for researchers to go in there and see what happened so let us wait a minute. Short selling has caused some chaos in other places as well. I'm not sure if there is a short-term solution to these pile on investing issues.

 (On another side noteIf any researchers want a pro bono project to fill their evenings being nerdy I have a potential corruption problem in another location. One really can't say until they dig into it but I will say that it looks pretty legit from what I can tell. It could be a good project if you have the back ground skill, justice interest, and have some prior experience. We have a responsibility to society.)

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