Friday, May 5, 2023

April 2023 BLS Unemployment Rate Drops to 3.4%: Types of Jobs and Where Counts

Reviewing the economic data just released by BLS April 2023 we still see the economy is growing and in turn there are some industries that are going to hire more and some going to hire less. The World Economic Forum indicated that we are going to have some shifts in employment. I believe that to be true as well with a few adjustments. We might think about how to train and add people to the jobs that are core to our functioning and have the highest returns for us as a nation.

I'm looking below to just keep up with the information and trends. I cut and pasted the highlights. Good on mining as we need to have access to materials. I would also believe we need for security reasons to have a functioning system even if we end up obtaining much of the bulk mining from overseas (Yes I prefer mining in the U.S.. but also hedging the diversity for supply chain issues.).

Its interesting because we are in budget discussions and we are adding certain types of jobs in government and social assistance. I'm curious what types of jobs and where. There may be a good reason for it but in my mind anytime we improve government efficiency and effectiveness we can reroute positions into  higher paying market driven jobs (All of that depends on the types of jobs. You can see that in the BLS Glossary)

Any entity can improve its focus and improve its best use of taxpayer money. There really is no type of organization that can't have occasional overhauls, updating, and review of internal processes to make them more efficient. Every business and entity will have extra things creep into the processes in order to expand job security, convenience, and solve problems (Its normal but might need a review every 5 years). Investigating the Relationship between Process Management and Organizational Culture: Literature Review and Research Agenda

-The number of persons jobless less than 5 weeks decreased by 406,000 to 1.9 million in April 

- professional and business services (+43,000)

 health care increased by 40,000 in April

-Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 253,000 in April,

-Employment in leisure and hospitality continued to trend up in April +31,000),

-mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction rose by 6,000 

-social assistance added 25,000 jobs

-Employment in financial activities increased by 23,000

-Government employment continued its upward trend in April (+23,000)

In April, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 16 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $33.36.

This is solid financial analysis article by Financial Times entitled, 'US economy adds 253,000 jobs in sign of labour market strength'

April Unemployment Rate April 2023 

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