Monday, May 1, 2023

60 Car Dust Cloud Crash on Illinois Highway: Maybe New Technology Can Help.

This is so sad. I do a lot of traveling and I would say that we drive too close almost all the time. I rarely drive over 60 miles an hour and I will say that without fail there is either a car or semitruck that would like to pass but instead gets within a car length or less of the back bumper. While this might be ok 99% of the time, besides coming off as an aggressive driver, it takes something like snow or dust to cause major accidents. 

Hopefully, technology will give huge warning signals when they are too close to another car going over 50 miles an hour. That might annoy people enough to stay back from each other. We pray for the victims and families of the crash. More enforcement on aggressive driving might also help. 

Pay particular attention to truck drivers who can't stop anywhere near as fast as a the cars. We would of course need to balance technology with new recruits to avoid these situations in the future. 

In my opinion, we are reinventing the old car into the EV car so let us consider these spacing and speed distances.

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