Thursday, April 13, 2023

Two Million People Fled U.S. Cities in 2020: Opportunities for Small UP Towns

Cities are great places and have an appeal but some of that luster has been tarnished. Cities are also based in many ways with physical commerce and there has been platform adjustments. The digital era has changed the nature of work for many young people and they can now live wherever they want. Attracting this group to small towns in the U.P. New talent will influence the way in which our daily community affairs are conducted. 

First, the decline in city downtowns is based on the nature of commuting, crime/crime enforcement, and the economic policies that allow these places to become attractive to the young. So we see how policy can be updated to ensure it taking what is helpful of the digital era and applying it to rejuvenate downtowns. New platforms, new ways of doing things.

(That doesn't mean I have the answers here. I don't. It just means we can look at the problems and see what has worked in other local, national, and international places. Not be afraid to try new ideas.)

Smaller towns that have vacation-outdoor appeal, many small towns in the U.P., can attract young and fresh digital talent. They can do so because they offer lifestyle and a place to raise families that attracts certain demographics. 

That will require us to change the way we think about institutions and whom they ultimately serve. In small towns we often do things through social networks and if new people arrive in our U.P. towns we will have to ensure we move beyond those networks (I'm an old-new meaning I have different connections locally and beyond. Not everyone is appreciative of my presence. Something to do with my name I think. 😥 Maybe also a little jealousy but I'm not sure. Which is weird because I'm friendly to everyone. The good news is, the vast majority are awesome, welcoming, good people. Some of the best I have seen throughout my travels and adventures. For the other group, I think those issues will be resolved eventually and life will move on. Its a growth opportunity. I think we need a group hug. 🤗). 

Consider this 'Rural Main Streets can’t achieve true economic revival without bridging social divides'

What we find is that the digital talent is likely to be a little more diverse and highly educated. That will also bring with it new ideas and concepts. That can be a good thing for towns that need new ideas, businesses, and good ideas. Its all in the management process. 

Other reading: Full Bloom Smart City (I'm wondering if coordinated marketing efforts to attract digital nomads and business investment for the downtown would be helpful?) Start-Up and Incumbent Firms

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