Monday, April 10, 2023

The Quest for Character: Six Core Virtues

One thing that any society seeks is strong leadership through the development of character (Any people anywhere need members of society with character.). Whether one is in business, government, a non-profit or any other entity, character is going to have a big impact on how that organizational will function and overcome its challenges. Leaders should be judged on these core values beyond any other consideration including lower metrics such as social networks, wealth and political affiliation alone. 

I found this information in the book 'The Quest for Charactery' by Massimo Pigliucci. The author cites a number of different sources but through an analysis different religions such as Confucianism, Daoism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Daoism, etc. the universal principles come down to six core virtues. Different people and different studies will likely adjust a little but you get the point.

These are the main concepts of the book.  

Courage: Emotional strength to achieve goals in face of internal and external opposition.

Justice: Civic strength that makes positive community life possible. 

Humanity: Interpersonal strength and intentional acts of love and kindness.

Temperance: Strength that protects against excess. 

Wisdom: Cognitive strength that uses the acquisition of knowledge.

Transcendence: Connections to the wider universe.

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