Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Importance of System Integrity: Serving the Greater Purpose of American Society

First, I have to start with a few comments on what many people feel about system integrity. "Blah, blah, blah". While I take system integrity as the key to effective and efficient governance of systems there is a percentage of those who feel that as long as they benefit from a lack of system integrity there is unlikely to be any meaningful reform. The need to be more competitive and need to bring to full performance the 60% of society that has been marginalized seems to not be of any real concern. 

Even mentioning that being haphazard in our responsibilities, oaths, and principles of good governance has short, mid and long term consequences seems to get more rolling of eyes. The science means little but the politics mean much. The proof in pudding test seems to sort of highlight the differences between those who want to build a great nation and those who want to maintain the status quo. 

There will of course be change but it will be because the general population knows that we need these changes and perhaps begins to create pressure on these institutions to start adjusting toward a more healthy end. They will want a level of integrity to ensure that people are being treated fairly and seen as part of the very same society. That is a hard sell to some and often results in all types of retaliatory actions that not only smacks the face of liberty but also puts those who seek the betterment of society at a disadvantage. 

The sad aspect of this is that while we know human capital development is the one primary way that will make our society competitive again it is also the one thing that a certain segment will avoid at all costs.  The misapplication of law is often tool to enforced distorted values. 

Our only job is to remind them that they have obligations to serve this nation and it moves beyond their specific racial, religious or political perspective. Failure to manage for all of us means we all suffer and that includes the next generation. They will likely roll their eyes again and go back to long patterned behaviors. It is what it is! As a half citizen I will continue to push for a universal and competitive nation. Liberty is an uphill conversation when ethnocentrism is the primary driver of hate. This is where you roll your eyes and we wait to see if society will begin to increase the pressure to fix what many believe is unamerican and at times criminal in origin. 

I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion as Constitutional necessities. At least that is where my oaths and heart lay. Not sure about everyone else....

Let us turn the page in national development. I say that as a light R.......

*Appears there was another incident of following and targeting today around 4:30ish between Marquette and Escanaba. I have already may an FBI civil rights complaint and will do so again each time these incidents occur. There could be many interpretations when these things happens but considering the history of targeting and local extremism within some coordinated units it appears that it is worth reporting. Just to be on the safe side because if so it would be very if they have acted this way with others. I will continue to be polite and engaging and encourage more focus on our essential American values. That also include serving my community and treating the officers, of which the vast majority are good people, with the respect they deserve. However, bad apples are bad apples and should be removed and if necessary prosecuted. The violations that occur when we do these things strike at the essential values of who we are as a nation. We cant get around our American principles. Extremism has no place within law enforcement or in our country. It means that the system has lost control of these officers. I will consider putting in a complaint to Homeland Securityas well. Just in case I'm correct and this is related to prior incidents.  

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