Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Importance of Building a Fair Society: Human Capital Comes from Maximizing Diverse Talent

 We are a society whether we like it or not. We know that there are different rules for different types of people. Its not everywhere but its enough to be of concern. While there will always be "in group" and "out group" members in any society the laws should apply fairly to each. A fair society can draw additional talent and skill from the 60% that may not feel as though their concerns are not given full weight (Another person may say 10%, 20%, etc. but I have met a lot of people from various backgrounds so I'm going to say 60% that don't fit within a certain perceptual range.

There are really good people out there from every walks of life, stations in life, education and in positions of prominence. I have met many of them. I have also met some where the rules don't matter and anything that banks in their favor is acceptable. When power and poor behavior mix, most people sort of cower in fear of losing something but then fail their bigger duties.

I encourage people to support those loftier pro American and pro social values so we can build a strong society where everyone is engaged in the betterment of the nation and its people. That can be difficult if we struggle with the basics such as the Golden Rule or general civility. Nations are built off of pro-social behaviors of inclusion and not division and exclusion (Exclusion base societies are damaged and run all types of risks. Thus I encourage the former. Seems like a good ideas to me, but some disagree. Some of us are improving and some are taking away.). 

I've seen very good people and very bad people. We seem to forget the importance of the former when we vote, promote, conduct business, and socialize with. Someone may ask why I would say such things and I say to them because I have a Muslim sounding name and Black kids. I know the differences in society that occurs and have been called every name in the book. Its a hate thing (It is just the way a certain percentage of society is but we can create the pressure for more enlightened society by being involved and encouraging better values. Most people are good natured but those who do engage in hate are often given free passes to do so.). 

These differences are not insurmountable but does require thoughtfulness by our leadership. We cannot expect to stay #1 without innovation and human capital development (As well as infrastructure, investment, education, etc.). We have some human capital struggles and we will need to think about how to maximize our diverse talent to be the best performing nation we can be (It shouldn't be a contentious but its difficult to change minds when we fail to be self reflective and certain people benefit off of poor behaviors.

If you are one of those people who the rules are sort of a mixed bag don't fret too much. Every great thinker in society has said the same thing and those who believe it is perfect are often the most advantaged (and often the most delusional. Every system could be improved and to think not means they are not taking their roles seriously and/or don't have the capacity to be constructive or look beyond themselves.). Consider that in life we have certain responsibilities to be better, be good people, and contribute in a meaningful way. By doing this, we are not shirking from mistreatment but embracing it as an essential truth of where we are starting and where we need to go. 

Patriotism is not just symbols alone, as it moves into how we treat each other and how we develop our diverse talent. Anything else is sort surface oriented. I believe very much in developing our country and dealing with the difficult things that many of our leaders shirk from even though its fairly important and obvious to deal with if we want to move into the growth era.  In this country race and religion should not be a deciding factor in anything, it is the soul and character of people that counts. We just need to see the value in each other (Try getting people to vote for that amebic concept. Its not a sound byte so its hard to sell.)

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