Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Scientists Discover and Decipher 9 ring “meteoroscope” Instrument by Ptolemy

Derivation of the katabatikê and antiskios angles on the meteoroscope
Source Ptolemy’s treatise 
My other calling in life was archeology and the discovery of ancient text/artifacts but alas I went into research, science/theory, business/economics, and applied psych/human capital (I still do a little diving and have a museum that would consider taking what I find. Darn boat is always broke!). I like these new discoveries because they change the way we think about science and provides greater depth. Sometimes new discoveries can change the way we see the universe, create new science lenses and other types of interesting perspectives.

While this manuscript discovery may or may not be ground breaking depending on its implications we can say it is the way these master's of the mind thought. They balanced philosophy, geometry and natural learning to abstractly construct an understanding of the world around them with a level of sophistication that is difficult to match.

I also do a little sailing so I'm thinking about how that might impact sailing and calculating distances manually (I got this book I wanted to read on it.).

Who was Claudius Ptolemy?


Ptolemy’s treatise on the meteoroscope recovered

What the study said the meteorscope does is....(quoted)....

1. determine the elevation of the north celestial pole for the place one is observing on an arbitrary day or night;

2. determine the direction of the meridian circle for the place of observation, and the directions of routes of travel from that place relative to the meridian in the form of the angle between the meridian and another great circle passing through the zenith point;

3. using the foregoing data, display on the meteoroscopic instrument itself the sought arc between the two localities; and

4. display the arc of the equator cut off between the meridians through the two localities.

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