Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Rural Firefighting: USDA Resources, Stats, and Recruitment-Retention Research

Sometimes I firefight and try and help my community when I can (I'm not as active as some but I do my best with my digital nomad life. I contribute more in some areas than others.). In my life I have many other responsibilities but I think this is an important one. Considering I like physical activity and have had a life of adventure firefighting appeals to me. From what I have read, the young are not as interested in firefighting, and other first responder positions, when compared to the past. I'm sort of exploring that concept now. 

USDA has a pretty solid page Rural Fire Department Resources for Local Officials. A fairly helpful Firefighter Stats Page.  21 firefighter deaths in 2023 thus far. As recruitment and firefighter availability in rural areas struggle along with increased global warming demand we will need to think about safety more. Thus, rural fire departments, and the people that stay engaged, will have a more prominent role in combating these environmental risks. 

An interesting study on firefighting retention. While our department is doing well most fire departments and other first responder services are suffering in recruitment. These are complex issues and we don't really like talking about them; likely why they haven't been resolved. There are solutions I think and ways to create win-win.

Here is the study Volunteer Retention Research Report Prepared for National Volunteer Fire Council. (Always keeping in mind ways to improve on recruitment in general for similar type institutions.)

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