Saturday, April 15, 2023

Marquette Fashion Show: Down to Earth Style (Cultural and Creative Centers)

Today was a Marquette Day! While Escanaba is soon to hopefully be (received some big investments recently) an investment draw, Marquette is known for its high society culture. It has to do with the larger university and exposure to new ideas. However, I think Escanaba could have something very unique and trendy about it soon. Its starting to attract more interest in the market and can offer something other places would have a more difficult time copying. Marquette as a cultural center and Escanaba as a creative start-up center. (🤔 Sounds like its got a ring to it. Cultural Hub and Creative Sand Box)

I'm not saying its going to happen I'm saying theoretically there is a possibility if all the cards are played right and we snag a few good bites along the way anything is possible. The global market is looking for places to obtain high returns and we have a push to develop small export businesses. That starts with the right environment and investment interest (Look, its like this. Developed nations like the U.S. must find ways of attracting start-up interest and growth that investors experience in emerging economies. Our infrastructure/platforms, entrepenuerial assumptions within our culture, can be matched with the right environment and investment pack dollars. i.e. DC hedge fund. These microcosms of transactional clusters create high innovation environments that can produce prototypes and small batch production products. Start-up companies bring innovation and need affordable vacation oriented places to stay to develop that creativity. Such products can then be put into mass production in other places. i.e. Detroit, Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago. You are building a pro-growth creative environment. That is the Theory of Innovative Transactional Clusters. Its an unfinished theory but this is a thought experiment so I'm going to run like the wind with my fanciful thought frolics! 😆 Ok seriously, I'm kind of watching how and if it unfolds. I mean really, watching it while it happens would be cool.) on tangent! Back on track.....

I went to support my friend's daughter who was a fashion designer. There were really good pieces. They are the kind most people would wear. Out of New York you sometimes get these crazy designs that are awe inspiring but then sort of not practical at $10K or wearable in normal events. The stuff in this show was very practical and thought my son might like a piece or two. I'm working on getting the site where they list their stuff. Then I can save up and get them a unique piece for their birthdays or something (I didn't come from the connected class so ever penny I got was sort of clawed out of the earth unwilling. You know how corporate culture is when your on the bottom of the pile. I sort of was on my own at like 16 and a half or something like that so I found my own path. Its good experience to share with others so they know someone who has been in the thicket and found a way out.)

(I have been to a few of these fashion shows in my life, even been on stage in a few. Suits but only a couple. If I lost 10 lbs I could probably cut into a suit again. Its all just good fun and variety that I love in life. Its fun and you meet a lot of people in that realm. I thought it would be old people who want to look young that buy expensive suits. I looked up the suit buying demographic and found that I'm past my prime! 44 is prime. 😬 I guess I can look forward to senior discounts. Modeling out and bingo in!😂 💨.)  

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