Tuesday, April 11, 2023

IMF and World Bank Projections: How the U.S. Can Beat Market Growth Numbers?

If you notice the numbers for U.S. growth you will see we are positive but not as fast as China or India. In order for us to achieve these levels of growth rates we have to be more innovative and be a central place for people to invest. That requires us to think about how our current infrastructure investment mixed with good policy and better human capital management can lead to higher foreign direct investment but also organic growth (In theory).  

-Global growth 2.8% 2023 bottom out and rise to 3% 2024. 

-Inflation will move from 8.7% to 7%

-Emerging economies are pushing forward in growth.

-Corporate profits are high from high prices while labor costs are expected to rise higher. 

-Banking turbulence in the U.S. caused some growth issues.

-U.S. growth 1.6%, China 5.2%, India 5.9% and Europe .8%, and Russia .7%

-60% of lower performing countries are at risk of a level of default.

 You can gain more information in 'IMF cuts GDP forecasts, says global economy heading for weakest growth since 1990'

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