Saturday, April 8, 2023

Great Video About Escanaba and Fishing. The Season Should be Starting

Thinking about getting my fishing gear out and getting ready to catch some big ones (Well, I hope they are big ones. Sometimes you can find these schools of fish just biting at the hook.). I have a little work to do on my boat and the trailer. I have a flat tire, the engine is broke and beyond repair, but I found another one. I think I have a few good places I can fix both from the shore and from the boat. It will be a good time to sort of sonar the bottom of the lake and find some good diving spots. This season should have some fun and exciting fishing going on. (I still like the concept of year by year small vessel commercial fishing if we have abundance. Of course we do have to clean our Great Lakes to maintain them as ecological and economic benefit to our town and the region.)

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