Friday, April 14, 2023

Escanaba City Council Meeting (April 6th, 2023): Sewers, Water, Grants, Land, German Mythology/Arbor Day Proclamation for All for Escanabans Throughout the Land!

This was yet another productive meeting in our search to create the land of prosperity, brotherly togetherness, and good cheer (Ok. Sorry, sometimes I get excited about the possibilities!). What we often find is that there are many different pathways to growth and there is a balance between development and community affairs. Finding that balance is not easy but we do see a good attempt. You can watch this town grow and change as it draws in new resources and adjust to the global market.

In honor of Arbor Day..."The Tree of Life"
Painter: Oluf Olufsen Bagge (1780-1836)
Germen Mythology

For example, much of the meeting relates to development, infrastructure projects, appointments and the other stuff. These are normal administrative issues as it concerns a town on the upswing. Likewise, it is also important in a democracy for leaders to provide opportunities for the public to say their opinions freely. In this case, it appears that people are relatively content and not a lot of comments. 

Development  alone doesn't mean much without considering the quality of life side issues that impact the rudimentary aspects of interactive social and economic engagement. Kind of an interesting study on how quality of life and economic development sometimes go together. 'Impact of economic development on quality of life and human happiness of urban socio economic classes: a study of suburban Mumbai'. In this case, it looks like local activities and development are for the most part in tandem.

Sorry I to the important stuff....

Arbor Day was proclaimed (See info below) and it is now incumbent on all citizens of Escanaba to celebrate (Ok its not like someone is going to send you to the stockades or anything if you don't celebrate. However, you probably should plant a tree or something and shake your fist in defiance at pollution! Alternatively, perhaps picking up trash in the neighborhood or park might also be a good faith effort if you don't have a sapling to spare. See CO2 Emissions World)

April 6th, 2023 Agenda.

Notice the U.S. is improving. 
Expect green energy and new energy
sources to impact those lines.

Drinking Water: Drinking water plant upgrade. Public hearing. Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF).  Public input on project plan. (You may want to read an article in Daily Press Escanaba reviews water and wastewater projects). Two elevated water tanks, concrete water holding tanks, water main, valves, etc. Active source water protection. Hope is to improve water quality for the area (I don't believe there were any problems but updating regularly is a good thing when a municipality has an opportunity.) A fund to remove lead and maintain appliance.  Likewise, water and sewer development will help the growing business climate of the city. Alternatives no action and fixing problems as they occur. Replacement of lines, looping, updating tower is alternative #2. Sending out bids on replacement. Improves roads as well. Different priorities. You can see some of the costs in the agenda.  $16 million.

(I must say a very nice presentation. Very knowledgeable and outlays things for readers.)

(Water is an important part of development. While we are on the Great Lakes we still need to ensure water is pure of high quality. As a nation we are now working on improving the Great Lakes. We recently started thinking about what the Great Lakes mean to us. is some information by the World Bank on Water Thirsty Business.)

Sewer Adjustments: Basically we have to increase the sewer capacity and usage in the area in alignment with updating our current system but also improving it for new businesses coming in the area. Discussion on lift stations and costs. Staying in compliance with EGLE. $20 Million 30 year loan to get everything done. $10 per month per user. 

I'm not going through all of it because there is a good Agenda. The county doesn't have a good agenda yet so it kind of requires going through everything. April 6th, 2023 Agenda.

Pickle Ball: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant $300K with Escanaba $100K match. 

Land sale and purchases. $29K sale land locked. 

-Looking for grant money and forgiveness. Exploring the possibilities. Approved.

-New tractor. 

-MDOT right away utilities. Permit.

-Street closing for dates. Or was that for an event? 

-Event closures with alcohol. Radio Results Network.

-Industrial park land. Able to put in stipulations. Passes.

-Proclamation: 1872 Planting of Trees. Cold Arbor Day. I love trees. We need to plant more! April 28th, 2023 is now Arbor Day. Ok we also should consider having a Brew and Arbor Day Planting Event! See Michigan Arbor Day (Apparently you can list your Arbor Day event. I think we should come up with a poetry reading in front of one of our trails, a quick snippet on trees, and then a Brewfest! That is the stuff that makes life fun! It is a perfect day for hippies! We live by trees as an industry and as a people so sustainable replanting is helpful and makes sense. The companies here replant and engage in sustainable practices so that is good news. This is also what makes industries grow.) Arbor Day History

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