Friday, March 3, 2023

The U.S. Is Becoming the World's Leading Energy Producer: The Next Rung in Reach

Catching up on the news today and as I open my laptop, swirly my coffee and wipe out my glasses I come across this article by CNBC that indicates the Russian invasion of Ukraine may have switched the U.S. to a leading position in energy development. There was an unexpected impact Russia might not have thought about prior to the conflict and that included such things as switching supply lines, making Russia more dependent on China, and perhaps also led to a more stable energy supply chain.  

{Keep in mind that when egos get involved in conflicts, critical, systemic, and moral thinking also goes out the window. Long term health of an organization declines when short term decisions are made. The environment shifts and adjust when long term conflicts break out leading to a revamping of the entire global system as a result of exhausting reserves and needing new supplies. Once those new business patterns are formed, they will often stay in tact and compete with older ones in a way that create a safer, multi source, redundant system. 

Even if peace is reached many of those supply lines will not come back and that in turn puts Russian in a tough spot. Even if they win, they will lose. If Russia begins to lose on the battlefield, they will also lose negotiation ability. Likely, one reason why they asked China to come in and supply them. China coming in might put pressure on the supply lines to begin switching more to countries that are more ideological-business pattern similar thereby creating a supply and information curtain.}

Russia and Ukraine Conflict Remaps Energy Supply Chain to the U.S. 

Where one drops a ball the other gets to pick it up in the game of national development. Read Russian Oil Ban and Semi Conductor development and think about how the U.S. can capitalize on increasing energy production and semi conductor development. If done well it might place us in a position where we Americans/"Americans" would not only manage new energy supplies but also emerging technologies. Those are two important and primary ways that will draw the economic supply chain vines toward the U.S. as a net supplier of two important world products with high international demand. 

We should be ecstatic if two sources of innovation and generation come together at this unique time in history to create a unique mix. A type of leap frogging from adversity in a way that is likely to encourage the foundations of advanced manufacturing. We are still missing a piece as it would be hard to run an advanced manufacturing digital era society if we are not producing leaders and skilled workers broadly across society to fulfill those roles and/or to innovate their environments. 

That makes our next rung of national growth a human capital development "issue" {which should have never been an issue}that if resolved, can be part of a tripartite economic renaissance approach that will spearhead change from the Industrial platform to the digital platform. Structuralizing the renewable green energy {and oil/gas}industries, the core of tech development {innovation and digital economy}, and the human capital level {We are not doing that well in this arena as our difficulties in universalizing our democracy slow this progress. I grade us at C+ but that is just a splattered guess on the wall. Politics sort of get in the way of making sound decisions in this realm. Splatter Splatter 💦💁} I see these three factors as fundamental to coming out of this struggle on the top or bottom of the economic wheelhouse.

This blog is about national development and provides different concepts and ideas to ponder. So as a question might be, "Would managing energy development, root technology innovation, and human capital be enough to solve a number of problems through pushing us to a new platform? Kind of like the Industrial Revolution but instead of streamlining resources its is now through digitization of the transactional root structures? The next rung!. {Think of what has changed since computers were invented and were able to be bought. I had the Commodore 128 and my neighbor had the Commodore 64 and we were rocking as early coders back then. I gave up on coding when girls entered my life. 🤷}

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