Wednesday, March 8, 2023

East Palestine Ohio Water Drive: Thinking About Stronger Responses

The Ohio train derailment was a terrible event and raises all types of new questions and issues. I came across this posting if anyone wants to donate water. Firefighters watch these incidents to learn from them and find better ways of preventing and handling.  I'm a light R and keep up with the news. This came through  email so it might be a nice event to donate water. I do not know the people putting on the collection but if its of value to you then that is great.  (I don't really care which way you vote as long as you thinking about it and make sure you are an informed citizen. )

This is incident is why I'm thinking we need a stronger Haz response team locally. We have rail and things like that so its just good to have the knowledge set available. To me, I think its important to look at the area and say, "What is it going to look like in 5 years and how do I start thinking about how to prepare for that?" New businesses and money mean different response capacity so we should get ahead of the curve. 

(Adding the flyer is not an endorsement or not not an endorsement. I used to care about politics but am more into finding solutions so I feel that just taking the Rino-Dino approach is the best for now. The political landscape has changed and some of the people in politics I'm concerned about in terms of values so I'm just orphaned for a moment. (Ok...I'm probably more Old Guard but with lots of liberal friends. Not sure where that puts me anymore. So I will wait and see. Let pages turn on their own so to speak.)

Anyway, I advocate for more creative ways to fund better responses to events like this (I kind of hand an unvented insurance savings idea and how to reroute that to a general first responder fund. Not sure on how to do that exactly but I'm thinking about it in a few different ways.) To me, simply being engaged and encouraging preparedness is important and I hope very much that we continue to develop locally on many different fronts. Planning and preparedness is helpful and important in any community. Some communities need more preparation than others. 

(I post things because I find them interesting. I have a few local politicians I like but they are kind of on both sides of the perspective. There are a couple of others I like to watch because I want to see how things sort of turn out. Overall.....its the way things are done.....I know that.......but it just seems we waste a lot of time and energy on fighting when we should be pushing our country to develop.)

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