Thursday, March 2, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting (2-21-2023): Coffee, Zoom, Infrastructure and Conservation District

Reading of Voltaire's tragedy of the Orphan of China 
at the salon of Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin
1755, by Lemonnier, c. 1812
The development of communities takes multiple approaches ranging from the business side of things all the way over the to socio-bio health of individuals. Strong systems draw in talent and business investments from things as simple as quality of life on one end and governance quality on the other. Delta County is in a unique spot to have the best of many worlds if strong management practices come forward. The balance between asking the right questions and giving the right answers. Its a total system that gets pushed upwards when governance meets new market "realities" through constructive problem resolution (i.e. creation of socio economic development. If you want some in-depth stuff with theories you can look at a publication by Cambridge Socio-Economic Development. I'm just saying if you look at the table of contents you see how our governance impacts our lives and quality of our lives in many arenas. Other reading. Human Instinct-Devel, Bio-Psycho Devel., Needy Econ. Human Caps). 

Problems that are outside the normal scope of improving the lives of residents and their futures are problems that should not be in normal affairs of governance. They are distractions and they take away from the overall effectiveness of management. If we have a problem, lets deal with it sooner rather than latter. In my experience, it is generally best to assess a situation and take active steps on the issue to ensure it is resolved and put away for good. Then learn from it, and move on to the next societal problem to solve. You keep doing that over and over and no community will match the positive growth that will come from good governance (...again those are general comments on governance that can be applied broadly.)

Each organization seen as a 'knowledge authority' is going to have a slightly different take on what good governance looks like.  As we sort of start accepting FDI its good to have a little more global exposure in our management. UN Good Governance (global stakeholder perspective) talks about general principles, McKinsie & Company has a Rural Rising Report  (investor perspective) that discusses general initiatives and USDA has a Rural Priorities (govt. perspective) which helps provide further guidance.

After reading the articles and watching the video you will sort of have a better understanding of the type of governance that leads to growth. Make sure that you don't get bogged down in the emotional arguments unless collectively they mean something (there is a term for this and I can't think of it) or individually they have investigative value (a nugget to pick from the conversations). People talk but what counts is when there are teeth in arguments. Without that teeth no one can say for sure what is and what isn't beyond some general public upset resulting from a firing (You have to see all sides of an argument from many different perspectives to understand. If no evidence/teeth and/or specific information comes forward the options default to voting in who you want and who you don't want during the next election cycle. I don't pick sides here. That is how I see the process.)

You may also want to read something On Virtue Politics because sometimes studying the classics of philosophy and early democracies can give you insight in how to handle situations. In general this article advocates increased engagement for learning purposes. So bringing forward concerns of public governance in a public forum makes sense. Video transparency is good, and they are doing that. Be tactful, be honest, be helpful. There are people watching and perhaps learning about democracy from this very situation so let us be effective and mindful in action and word. (I would love to point to my hometown and say, "This is what democracy, growth, good governance, and opportunity look like. Sometimes its messy, but that is just because its getting better year after year, generation after generation, constantly in a state of development. People challenge, conversations happen, issues are resolved to higher levels of development." . We just need everyone to want to take that step. It helps everyone and creates trust in government and the decisions officials make. )

Notes (Quick Bullet Point Stuff): (I try and keep it accurate. If I'm wrong please let me know by posting a comment.)

-There was a comment that was made by one of the commissioners of pay without attendance of meeting and it was clarified that it happened. Down state, Mackinac Island, etc. were brought up as dates commissioners were paid to attend but were not at the conferences. In my experience conferences are sometimes like a paid perk where you learn and have fun. Its highly dependent on the conference. However, it wouldn't be impossible to determine if people attended. Typically, there are sign in sheets, grab bags that require initials, video publication of events, and other proofs of attendance. Its easy to figure out if you can pull the records. They were either paid and no proof of attendance, paid and attended, didn't pay and didn't attend, etc. You get the picture.

-Conflict of interest declaration.

-A few ideas on how to fund Delta Conservation District (DCD)

-Some calls for use of how the dollars are calculated for the grant of the Conservation District.

-Arguments that the DCD doesn't have a Forest Management Plan.

-Some names brought forward on who may be engaged in collusion.

-There was a letter that was brought to one of the commissioners and the Daily Press. There was a desire to have someone from the prosecutors office take a look at it.

-Duty bound to report to prosecutor.

-The guy from Esky is right....put the info on the agenda. :)

-Discussion on legal preparation.

-Wells water and sewer support. Escanaba water plant will be important for development. 


-Tourists coming. 15 tour visits jump on and off. 

-Electric inspection.

-No legal review of the contract.

-A mention that others say there is illegal activity and a suggestion to resolve the contract.

-Some board members are concerned about the contract and public opinion. Want a legal review. Forest parks, county properties, etc. 

-Some push back on cancelling the contract. Some logic was brought up for a long term contract. That it would be difficult to manage and get park service for the same price. May 15th. Possible temporary contract. 

(If you don't know about the Delta Conservation District you can find that HERE. You will notice Federal and State grants that will likely have some management criteria with them. I came up with an idea that if we manage our resources well we can consider using it as a tourist draw that impacts lifestyle and other benefits that would contribute to a net positive for the area. SME Adventure-Venture Tourism. We can use industry and tourism to help develop our natural assets through the revenue they generate. Its the era of global warming and environment damage. We can create environmental-industry-resident benefits by thinking with a more macro perspective of an entire system. How things get funded, how business improves and impacts the environment, how to improve those environments to increase lifestyle, how to maximize that as a selling point to attract more interest, how to preserve that value into the future, etc. etc. )

-New finance policy and purchasing. 

-Paying bills. 

-2022/23 HMEP grant. This is excellent stuff and such public service is needed. As we see new development it will require different types of services so we should be proactive on such issues. The Department of Labor provides 1910.120  and HAZWOPER for some guidance. I think a mobile Haz Mat team would make sense if we can get funding for it and can find a way to sustain it. (For those of you who own companies this is all good information. CEOs also need to have a basic understanding of response capacity so you can design your internal capacity. Insurance will also determine weather or not your teams can go off site. A discussion with insurance might be helpful to see if a local public managed team might reduce your insurance costs as well. I'm not the expert in this topic, but if you as a company can save money maybe there might be a way to contribute some of those insurance savings to a first responder fund for local response capacity building, maintenance, and training costs. We have a few mid size companies around here and will have more companies coming soon so thinking about options beforehand is helpful. In this case, creating capacity proactivity is a sign of our advanced strategic thinking within some of our local institutions.)

-Title 1 and Title 3 money to schools and township projects. Its good to hear that money is going to projects that include improving fire responses. 880 MHz Mobile radios, side by side and Masonville pumper. (I saw on a study last year says the U.P./Michigan is one of he best places for Global Warming. I should go back and find it.)

-Adjustment in bylaws. Would like these types of documents to be public? Part of the update was when commissioners were not showing up. 

-Awesome job Brandon! He is doing a great job checking out the video options. Keep makes sense. I shared something because it was relevant to a project I'm working on so having easy access really does make a difference in sharing information. Investors and people want to see what is going on so they can make their own decisions. Most places would likely use Zoom during the meeting and then upload the entire video within a few days to YouTube. Sorry...that is just how I saw it in other places. Esky was doing it well. A Covid adaptation. :)

-$13 million left over and if we put in main water/sewage lines we may get some more development. I would like to know what a plan for that money would look like because infrastructure will make a big difference in other business development. You might be able to project what might grow but we don't know what will happen in the long run as different economic factors come into play. However, infrastructure development is generally a net positive. Wells sewer and water. Yes I believe District Rep. Preston and State Senator McBroom are likely to be encouraging these projects. 100+ housing units going into Wells Twp. 

History of Coffee
Its a great socializer
Public Domain

-Hiring the admin $350 week stipend. 

-There is some issue of how much to pay the controller, HR, and admin. position.

-Concerns on the elimination of ethics committee and different explanations of how ethics issues will be processed. I think that might be helpful to ensure that the ethics process and how it handles ethical issues is clear for residents. If it unclear for the board, unclear for the public, then it should be clarified and discussed. 

-More concerns on Open Meeting Acts

-Concerns on bullying in the community. There has been some other complaints of bullying in another arena. Loose tertiary association but not unnoticed as to the possibility and probability. So let us just keep comments such as this in the sand box to review and let things unfold as they should. If you get some teeth into the argument with facts, or multiple complaints coming up, then it is something that becomes increasingly concerning (We don't need clans here. Its not the Game of Thrones! 😕).

-Discussion on bullying, individuals stalking others, etc.  One person was concerned about hearing of a group bullying individuals so if that rumor is true and constitutes an attempt to intimidate its an issue. Its not game and if coordinated/directed then its potentially criminal (Potential is the word. It needs supporting of facts. Who, What, When, Where, Why). Its not the first time this has been said. Maybe something, maybe nothing? 🤷 One doesn't know until they dig into it. What I will say is, don't jump or have any conclusion. Just breath in the info and let things sort of percolate until clarity is found. As crazy as it sounds.....

(I just want to make note here. There are issues as it relates to mistakes of administrative management and processes. Mistakes are different then intentionality in behaviors. Making a distinction between good/bad performance and criminal behaviors. I'm only saying for some it can get all mixed up, and in some case it might be mixed up intentionally. i.e. neglect. So, that is not a comment specific to here or anywhere else. It is a general comment meant for a very general perspective. If you have concerns and believe you might have something substantial that creates of a case for a corruption investigation I might consider sending the State Attorney General and Local Prosecutor a note.)

-Some argument of having ethics as an upfront discussion.

-There are some comments on helping to explain things more openly to people. Yes, I can see the point as valid and it will get smoother as time goes on. The majority of people have little familiarity with contracts, deals, department performance, etc. When your in government you think in a type of bubble that the wider societal stakeholders don't work within. It is different being an admin when compared to being  a user of such decisions. 

 -A person was bring positive words about the volunteer firefighters in the area and how awesome they are at bringing in younger firefighters. He was impressed by a young man at a local township meeting and wants more information on how beneficial local firefighters are; especially the volunteers (Who don't get paid, are constantly training, helping their communities and inspiring young minds. Maybe we will find them someday bucking the national trends and attractive to younger people concerned about their communities and environment but are not given the right avenues to develop. Departments do more than fight fires, they also train future leaders. These departments do more because everyone involved is doing good things for a good cause. That isn't always the case everywhere. Sorry...lets get back to the convo at hand....) .We always have room for more firefighters in this community. He wants more information on the cadet program with the fire department. (Maybe the county could do more to encourage young people to get involved in civic affairs. Probably more constructive. Limited cadet programs in the area. I found this one article when I searched Cadet, Firefighter, Training and Escanaba Boolean combos. Looks like two departments are where you can donate your time, effort and resources. HERE

-A comment the Ethics Committee is not being scuttled. 

-Openness to talk about issues over a cup of coffee. (If you take up on offer remember a cup of coffee is like $3.50 cents at the coffee shop and like $1.25 at the gas station. I suppose you would have to be in a coffee shop. So be nice and don't order a large Cappuccino, Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte or a Caramel Macchiato because those can get expensive. However, if you can squeeze it out and get one then more power to you!

*The article is really just food for thought and how we manage conflict and governances. The goal is to prompt you to think as well and sort of see how these things work in real life scenarios. I present no facts, and I make no conclusions. "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing"-Socrates

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