Saturday, March 11, 2023

China Brokers Peace Deal Between Saudi and Iran

New Iran-Saudi deal sort of raises a few eyebrows. China is seeking to insert itself in world affairs and flex its influence. We should expect that to happen and should not be surprised. That does require us to start thinking about how to put ourselves in the best possible position on international relationships and build our nation to create shared resonance of our core values of human dignity and freedom. That might require new ways of thinking about things. 

Each time something happens (i.e. phenomenon) we should ask ourselves why these things occurred and in precisely how they were realized. As we universalize our democracy we are going to have new people come forward with skills that have not been fostered in our inner "connected" circles. That is going to open new ways of looking at the world and that will likely bring forward a lot more options. As the world starts carving up, assuming the cold war continues to grow, we will need to rejuvenate our American mission (mission as our values.). 

We can overcome this challenge and we can do so in ways that put the U.S. in its strongest position it has seen in its history. We have already started on that process from infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, and human capital development (We moved from C+ to C++ in our thinking but are not maximizing yet.). Matching that with renewed effort to rally our base to solve problems and focus on the big picture locally, nationally, internationally.

The deal is overall can be helpful, unlikely to be truly altruistic, but we should have brokered it. We need to get competitive as a nation and that won't happen unless we have sustained commitment to be the best we can be. Ideological maturity is needed in our leadership and its time to resolve any internal squabbles and self actualize as a nation. It is their duty and it is part of why they are in politics (If there are other reasons they probably shouldn't be there.)

If you disagree that's fine click off. I have a Muslim sounding name and earned my right to talk regardless of the shortsightedness that is often rewarded for Yes Ma'am or Yes Sir lip service. I stand for principles as a nation even when it's not popular. We can be the best but that will happen as soon as we focus on our core values. That can be a hard sell in some circles and their blind supporters. Life is choices and I choose my country over politics. Proof in pudding.... No? 🤔

*The purpose of this article is to get you to think. Hopefully, think about a greater purpose of drawing people to a national cause and not rewarding poor behaviors for political or reward. We will need to be our best going forward and false flattery wont get us there. Patriotism isn't just for politicians or have racial or religious anchoring. It's our nation and we need our politicians to earn their positions and we need to elect high quality candidates beyond normal party politics. We the People need the best leadership we can get! 

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