Saturday, February 11, 2023

Winter Sports Video Delta County Michigan (Be Careful With Extreme Outdoor Sports)

This is kind of a cool video of outdoor sports in Delta County Michigan. The ground is blanketed with snow from a recent storm thereby making it a great place to snowshoe and cross country ski. My thoughts drift to the smell of pine needles, the crunch of my foot on frozen ground and the sound of the wind swinging the tree tops wildly. Nothing but you and nature sizing each other up and she humbles you as to her power. As you can probably tell, I want to get out there and hit the trails! 

Snowshoeing is great cardio that works best for those who like outdoor activities. Not all people are gym people. Personally, it is much more adaptive mentally, sensory, and physically by learning to get proficient at different activities. It is the way we learn and develop. Skills bleed into different areas making them additive and generalizable. You should enjoy each season and plan your workout routines accordingly for variety. If your going to get in shape do so through things that keep your interest such as snowshoeing, cross country skiing, ice climbing, dog sledding, etc. 

What I like about snowshoes that its portable so you can take them anywhere and the level of intensity is up to you. One can ski/shoe short well worn recreational trails or get out into the wilderness it becomes dangerous. For example, if you get too far out into a desolate spot that if something goes wrong and you get stuck out there for a night, its unlikely you will see daylight in sub zero temperatures. When its that cold you better know what you're doing and have some survival skills to makeshift shelter, warmth, water, communication, and other things. Food is important but its not an essential priority during the first few days (Warm, water, shelter, visibility).

If your into the extreme outdoor sporting stuff, go with a buddy to be safe and always use your safety equipment. It is dangerous! For example, a few days ago a guy in Munising fell to his death into Lake Superior while rock/ice climbing up Miner's Castle. Some sports are not safe at all. To engage in these sports with or without a guide takes practice and training. You need to know what your doing and be a touch of a sadist for some activities to be of any fun. As you read the article on the ice climbing mishap in Munising spend a moment thinking about checking and rechecking equipment. Munising Climber Missing

(I don't understand what happened with the climber. With the harness, buddy system, carbineers, auto belay, anchors, hand brakes, I'm not the worlds best climber but I'm not sure how this happened in the way it was described. Something wasn't set up right, broke, not worn, etc. I doubt we will get that kind of detail but the article does have some good safety tips.

Videos like this contribute to awareness and exposure of the area. More videos and shaerable media of key local attributes, the more likely people will find these pieces and respond. If they are organic by visitors/tourists interspersed with information rich professional videos they can work together to create a conceptual blend of interest and information. One is social media buzz and as people search out the topic they can obtain accurate information through well placed videos/ads. I would suggest fostering proper coordinated marketing messages across multiple media channels where key demographics are most likely to utilize and respond accordingly. I'm not going into details now but might need to write an article about it. You can read about Adventure/Venture Tourism

Furthermore, proper SEO and coverage of key search terms used by tourist and business investment groups would go a long way in creating digital reach. For example, a video produced on Delta County and its investable assets such as vacant buildings and land might help. Send and share the video on YouTube under "Escanaba Downtown Investments" or "Delta County Industrial Sites" and spread it widely to investing communities. Possibly one might make a short clip on a local business that moved to the area and succeeded and sent that to start-up communities. Its called content marketing. One could even track the hit rates, sharing of the communique pieces, or even host Zoom investment meetings for those who want more information on investing in the area. We are in a new world...and governments can "think out of the box".

If you like the article. Feel free to share it. Raising awareness of the wonderful benefits of vacationing near Escanaba.

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