Saturday, February 18, 2023

When Local Clan Laws Supersede National Laws: The Subjective Rule of Law

Local laws are important. However, when local laws are clan based and give a free pass for racial and religious cleansing behaviors that come forward, that isn't a violation of the law its a break down the order of things. It is a clear sign that not only have we looked away while laws are being violated, we also failed to step up when it was necessary to protect the integrity of the system. We have become our own worst enemy. 

This article is about thinking about better paths forward and how that encourages better decision making and more unification between different peoples. We as a nation should think about how we manage going forward and what that looks like. To me, that looks like people working together toward a shared future. There are some, who care very little about these things. Having a universalized perception of justice and fair treatment is our pro growth torch going forward (i.e. human capital development)

I have never been afraid that our nation would have a problem from the outside in so much as it would have a moral lapse and suffer from the inside. This occurs when race, religion, and good old boy networks are allowed to misuse the law to protect friends and associates from the consequences of illegal behaviors. Worse, to help them enrich, accompanied by a number of related issues members of the community brought forward at other places and times.

While I understand that the consequences for being a half citizen with Black children are very high, nevertheless one would think at some point the law would step in to do the right thing. I'm not talking about the wink and nod, identity based kind of laws we are so accustomed to implementing on people. I'm talking about the universal application of law. The one in which is fair for everyone and uses wisdom in its final resolutions.

I thought justice and fairness would be the primary way in which we want to run our nation. However, what I found is that while a local judge, sheriff, and a number of clan members may have perverted the laws, the wider systems feels compelled to provide that freedom to commit crimes then and into the future. When  you coordinate, meet with perpetrators, engage in cleansing type behaviors and walk from such actions that would normally be an issue for people with a value system. Depending on what that value system means.

(Before you get too far in your thinking. I have a great amount of respect or nearly all officers except the few that coached their friends on how to go after people. I have also met and talked to many Sheriff officers over the years and as good people I encourage them to report what they know {Follow your policies but you may want to report outside of your department to Federal and/or State entities}. Of course, being married into such groups and having close friends with such groups does sort of help in keeping things "under the table". While a judge may or may not have been part of it, I suspect he/she was well aware, he/she did not take action when it was blatantly obvious such action was needed. p.s. not the kind of action that circumvents the rights, laws, and natural protections of those we deem as less worth and less "desirable" in society.)

(Furthermore, if you knew me, my value systems, my kids, my history, my struggles, my success and my failures you would not discount every word I have to say simply because it doesn't fit your preconceived notions of the world in which you live. I earned the right to talk about things that many of these judges will never understand no matter how they appropriately or inappropriately use the laws. The difference being in their moral development and capacity to say "no" to their social groups and stand for the essential values of this nation. Clan or Country?)

Internationally it may be illegal and the moral choices may be considered horrendous; maybe not. However, at present it doesn't appear there are adequate laws when dealing with those we deem are different and/or take advantage of for money. Its just how it is! A type of truth behind the words of reelection. We are in a vortex of values where for one reason or another we don't really care about fair application of law. We are more concerned about politics, money, prestige, self flattery, political campaign funds, and all the things that broke every nation historically. 

I'm a proof in the pudding guy. One can say whatever they want but if they don't actually do the right thing at the end of the day they become worse then the perpetrators. Think about it. They know, they were part of it, became consultants of alleged crime, they committed certain actions that could be considered questionable, and they walked; maybe if this wasn't a hypothetical discussion 🤷. 

That is how we fulfill the laws sometimes. That isn't how they were intended to be fulfilled, but that is how they are often applied (Save good judges who have developed to a point they earned their spots. That is not everyone and there are almost no methods of resolving corruption. We have few options but to encourage the system to self correct because the mechanisms of correction is low and not very adequate to the task. Pudding?)

Misapplication of law is not the wisest way, but it has sometimes become our preferred way. Its a shame! Until our system serves all Americans people like me , and others, very good people (unfortunately not the self preservation minded people) accurately point out the obvious glaring issues we face....even as a half citizen (There are many others that want a healthy nation too.).  Half citizens are those in which we provide laws and protections on paper but then sort of put those aside when it isn't convenient (P.S. Yes, I recognize its not wise to speak up for your fellow Americans when the power structures are as such. However, let us take a more historical look for those who encourage more responsibility in the use of power and encourage greater moral enrichment beyond lunch.). 

When a young person comes to me and asks about what they should do when they see obvious wrongs and no one steps up for it.  I will say be your best, be polite but don't sugar coat. You will give up much, they will take much, talk about much, damage your character, laugh, and nothing will change as long as we accept a lower value system as the standard. Be prepared. You can't tell the truth very very long until someone wants to implement their version of "truth" on you. However, also recognize that our nation was built from many sacrifices. You will lose much to make your world and nation a better place. Do so in a way that helps strengthen your communities, improve people's lives, and allows you to keep your head high (...even when corruption tries to teach you something different. For "Americans", we understand why these things are and they are obvious. For Americans {I'm half American and half "American"}, they are quickly becoming aware of the need for a single conception of a nation and the laws that create the playing field for everyone; as intended by our forefathers/mothers.)

*This article is designed to get you to think. It's likely to be just a thought experiment because we know for a fact that people don't make clan based decisions anchored at times in racial, religious and social based biased. A pure statistical impossibility! So this obviously wouldn't have any bearing in any way to actual life events; unless that magical Cinderella's slipper fits. Purely a story for entertainment and general teaching purposes. Let it go in one ear and out the other as nonsensical fantasy! As an essay quiz, Do you see the moral in the story?

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