Saturday, February 25, 2023

Trenary MI Outhouse Races Make World History-No ESPN in Sight!

Just in case you missed it. The Trenary Outhouse Races made history. We had a tie for the first time in outhouse racing! For those of you who are outhouse enthusiast this is a once in a lifetime event. Rarely do you get this kind of excitement in other sports.

The tie was broken by a foot race. There is some controversy as it is believed one of the racers pushed the other racer into the snow pile. ESPN should be all over this! (All in good fun).

We come out of the woods once a year to engage in Olympic style sports where different villagers show up together to settle old scores (That one tracked this one's deer, the other trapping beaver near their lake, etc. ). Practicing pushing outhouses and chopping logs is the preferred way of the outhouse warriors! It takes many seeds to make a forest. Be one with nature. Namaste!

One of the outhouses even veered off the track and into the crowd! No injuries even at this high velocity!

Before you head to the outhouse next time pick up a copy of the Mining Journal or Daily Press. Two really good papers. They are also good places to advertise. Cover to cover expect at least an hour of reading to help you pass the time quickly.


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