Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Rowing Motivation: Getting the Times Down

Rowing is one of the higher endurance sports I have seen. While I do it for fitness and am generally not concerned about competitive reasons (Ok I actually am but I don't say that. I just more or less do it for myself but check out where I am with others as a good benchmark.). Running, boxing, etc. are up there as well but if I was to build a triad or a quad of sports you should play I believe rowing would be at the top of the list. It is a lot like a squat and a dumbbells row you might find in a gym.

My time in the masters pack was on the low end but over a few months of off and on practice is near the middle. With a little luck I will be closer to the upper middle by spring. In rowing you don't get to fake it. If you don't row with the same intensity and spirt as everyone else on your team then they know it. If you don't pick up the pace you might get booted. So practice helps you not embarrass yourself. I took a few classes in the past but started rowing more so it takes a little time to get there. 

As with business, health, life, love and all the other things we might find important. Having a goal to reach for helps in helping you make good decisions. 

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