Friday, February 24, 2023

Institute for Study of War and AEI Critical Threat Project Release Ukraine-Russia War Map Time Line

Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and AEI Critical Threat Project provided the Time Line Map of the Ukrainian-Russia War. ISW was launched during Iraq to analyze ground situations  while the AEI Critical Threat Project focuses on national security issues.  You can learn more about Institute for the Study of War (ISW) HERE  and AEI Critical Threat Project HERE. Basically, in that world they are knowledgeable institutions that provide policy recommendations.

I was actually looking for a study on quantum level time manipulation findings I read this a.m. and in my search for that I came across this time lapse map of the Ukraine -Russia conflict (The other important development is in energy fusion). For those of you who sort of follow the news and its implications there is much that can be learned through difficult situations like this. We should always seek peace and when that doesn't happen learn and apply as fast as possible.

I'm thinking in terms of conflict management, technology development, strategy formation, and economic posturing as it relates to geographically important areas. Not actively of course, but more or less, 'What's going on over here and how is that impacting our local and national markets and economies?' Conflict of this magnitude mixed with ideological loyalties does impact the business market (i.e. how supply chains reform along ideological lines.).

There are of course other considerations such as supply chain enhancement and closing the gap from innovative prototype to small batch production (i.e. small specialized clusters for equipment, ship retro fit, vehicles, etc.) Its is the small batch production that leads to larger production for either military or industrial purposes.  All of that is part of stronger capacity development by focusing on specific needs and methods of more quickly creating capacity to meet the challenges of increased supply stresses. 

We have struggled as a nation to launch new things fast enough to maintain advanced technology superiority. I don't think rapid innovation is impossible but I do believe a level of mixing organic self entrepreneurial interest with structure guidance, incentives and collaboration that provides the right innovative environment that is neither too bureaucratic nor Wild West. Such a cluster would require a level layered local, state and federal support.

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