Friday, February 17, 2023

General Milley Says Russian Forces Struggling: Ukraine Finding its Rhythm and Russian's Without Dancing Shoes

Ukraine is finding its rhythm and starting to work as a well greased machine which helps to strengthen their flexible capacities against a much larger but less trained force. While the projections are rosy I never believe in calling it over until the other side has thrown in the towel. When the Russians have returned from where they came, and work to restore their good standing within the world community, then we know freedom brightened the darkness of the battlefield and pierced the heart of an ideology that seeks to consume all nations in its path. 

Once the ground situation improves, it will be a new challenge of building an environment that creates pressure to restore Russia to healthy and stable pro social outlook where it can positively interact with its international neighbors (Ukraine being one of them.). Baby steps. However, that is in part for the Russian people to decide but the international arms are likely to be open to welcome a healthy Russia back (That doesn't mean they don't need to make amends to the Ukrainian people and put in place better protections from overreach Czar type leadership styles. Everything in life is a choice I guess. 🤷 )

Let us go through a little thought experiment. If' one were a rich Russian Oligarch and saw the wasted resources, lives, and economic opportunities squandered based upon the frivolous gross miscalculations of ones own puffery. No longer able to rise to the occasion, sterile in effect, one must go back and consider the best way to save face, maximizing future opportunities, minimize more loses, and chart a better course for a country. Failure to do so might cause serious instability in Russia if a collapse becomes imminent. No one ever really knows but it could be possible if there is a total rut of forces. However, its just hypothetical ideological logic mixed based on acting in self and societal interest. No? ðŸ¤”

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