Friday, February 24, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 2-14-2023: Unhappy Comments and Interim County Admin

The first thing I noticed is the audio is clearer (Good job IT!)......Then it seemed to have some difficulties with people who called in and the audio (They are trying. I think it is much better.) For a minute I thought we were going to have to call Verizon ðŸ¤· The good news is I think the audio is on track to be resolved. Let us see what other problems the county is working on......

Because this was a very long meeting I'm using bullet points (It took days to get through it). You can watch the YouTube video if you want to see the gory gut wrenching details. There was a lot going on during this meeting. Everything from interim administrator to complaints of corruption.  😬

Here are my thoughts and really it is more of a wait and see what happens perspective. Its hard to say what exactly happened without specifics. If someone is going to investigate, whomever they are, they will need enough details to investigate something. Something someone can look at, compare, find enrichment, etc. (I'm just saying that from a general perspective. Consult a legal expert.). Who, What, When, Where, Why?

(To me one wants to look for anything where there is both decision making and pools of money involved, funds, lands, employment, etc.. Typically there has to be a benefit and a violation of some law or ethical expectation. A documented break down in moral conscious if you prefer. I think in these cases it would be the State Attorney General and a How to Report Fraud that would handle that if one had something substantial. ) a minimum I'm sure some ears perked. Its a wait and see thing. 

Other Business:

-Some discussion on cleaning up the old jail site for new development. Vice Utility Relocation RFP 

-airport assistant manager leaving, probation officer leaving.

-new finance policy

Expressions of Displeasure of the Board:

Some people came forward to talk about their displeasure with the board. Some of the comments were pretty harsh but seemed to have heartfelt concerns. I started writing paraphrase but decided to move to bullet points due to the amount of complaints and how they may sting.

-Contract concerns and self-enrichment

-Complaints of corruption and orchestrated behaviors.

-Freedom of speech, governance, and redress of government. 

-31K visitors and shared 500+ times. (There are lots of people interested in Delta County right now.)

-6 months severance to fire County Administrator and "other legal" issues.

-People  want other members of the county removed as they felt they were wronged in someway. 

-Some brought up the assertion that the new administration already had a nepotistic deal in place, another came up to confirm it. 

-The Conservation District will have 4 out of 5 people running for election. Younger members of the community may be running for those seats. (I don't know what that means. I'm assuming it means managing the district versus allow certain board members to stay on it.)

-Some want better community through transparency and honesty. Feel that they may have been lied to.

-Some have argued that there is misuse of compensation and attendance.

-Wells Twp. came forward to say they like working with Emily. I thought I heard something from Esky as well.

-Issues with females was brought up. Watch the video.

Appeals for a Chance:

-Some of the board members feel that they would like to have a chance to regain public trust.

-A committee to find an administrator.

If there is some work we need to do as a county it is best to get done now before infrastructure projects, land use issues, etc. all come to a head as we navigate new investment. All of that is very normal and is part of the process of sort getting things in the place they need to be. We don't want anyone confused about the role and purpose of government (We actually have an opportunity to teach national government how to resolve these issues. Like I said, its becoming an important county I think.)

Being distracted isn't the best place to be at the moment but better now then 6 months from now. 

TV6  Contract for Delta County Board of Commissioners interim administrator in the works

Anything to worry about? No idea. I can't say. The only thing I can say is that there has been some issues and concerns in some other areas that fall along similar lines (not exactly the same). That of course doesn't mean any of it is true. That is where a certain credibility threshold has to be met. It could be true, it could not be true. It should be seen like my ears are perked because there is something, they appear they could have some lose association, but certainly plausible but definitely not until someone pulls those records and starts digging through them. P.S. much of it is likely to be public records (The advantages of laws that protect public interest) and one could map it all out and create time lines and relationship charts and the potential financial value of those relationships. May lead to something or it may lead to nothing. Who has the time for such stuff? The point being is that substance in complaints creates importance and precedence; even legal precedence in uncharted territories were laws are lax. Also, be aware that when you start digging you will also ask lots of more questions and see things that most of us would never know unless we went through the same exercise. If your bored and tired of NetFlix feel free to start asking for public records and ask questions. :)

*I try and be accurate so if there is something I didn't get right I will change it. Just leave a comment. I'm sort of neutral on these things. I am more interested in how this relates to economic development. Good governance does have an impact on economic investments and growth. That is not a reflection of whether this is good or bad governance. I don't have such an opinion yet.

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