Thursday, February 16, 2023

Delta County Board of Commissioners Meeting 2-7-2023: Ummm Some Complaints and Grumpiness!

The Delta County YouTube is open so you now can watch the events happening in real time (Delta County YouTube Channel). I suspect with public events there is also some risk to these events that actions and behaviors are also transparently public. In today's world one should expect it. Its an interesting meeting and there was a lot to cover that ranged from zoning to parks. Some adjustments in contracts and a few other issues. That is all normal course of business governance. An hot item issue between the County Administrator and the Board of Commissioners took the spotlight until the video stopped (I looked around for a second video but didn't see one. I heard through the rumor mill by attendees that the video was disconnected rather abruptly. Oh and there are likely phone recordings of the rest of it. 😶)

You can Read Feb 7th 2023 Delta County Commissioner Agenda ***

Source: Grumpy Old Men
Accusations 2:13 to 2:15 on Video: OMG there is a tiff between the county administrator and some of the members of the board! This isn't a little tiff as there are accusations of abandoning oaths and self-enrichment. While one from the outside cannot say whether these are true or sour grape comments, one must nevertheless take them seriously. It has provided an impression to some members of the community and there has been a lot of follow up public chatter on and offline. It created a ripple. So this is where a fair, impartial and likely out of county review is needed if it constitutes a potential ethical and/or legal violation (There have been some other arguments from other sectors that some peeps sort of help their associates and friends while neglecting more important duties. Some of it might be just rumor chatter but some of it could actually have merit. I can't say one way or another until there is more information. Not necessarily that one has to look very hard because its sort of publicly displayed.) Wait before you make judgement if you do not have knowledge of such things, but keep an ear out so that we ensure that we as a community are functioning the best we can. Remember its our money! Just understand the context of comments and behaviors. What I will say is that if decisions are being made in individuals self-interest and the interests of their clan/friends/associates then that is an issue. We need transparent government and that isn't a Republican or Democrat argument (I know! I know!...we could almost be bi-partisan in our beliefs for a land of opportunity and freedom. However, sometimes smaller arguments take precedence. I understand we all look forward to lunch but perhaps after we fill our bellies we could agree on the concept of good governance as an appropriate path forward. No? 🤷). I cannot say if they are transparent or not, I can only say that there is an allegation brought forward and it fits within a context and there is a need to ensure that such allegations are not true either way.

Do you remember the Delta County Jail Project? (Long long time ago, ancient in the online world I guess. About 6 - 12 months ago in a time almost forgotten. Almost. Fading, fading, fading, ooops its back again. 😏) At first people thought something criminal on a local level was going on. 🙈 It ended up being poor data management and someone stole the money through hacked emails (I'm still confused how that happened because you would think we would be more protective gatekeeps of that money but what do I know. 😞 Some old lady isn't likely that good of a hacker so I suspect she had some help from somewhere in South Africa or somewhere else. One would need to sort of reroute IP addresses through foreign servers. I agree its probably not worth the pursuit but is worth reporting to appropriate Federal Agencies and/or organizations that track this stuff. Civil Litigate Hackers. See Phishy Theft DC-Prox. That is why I like Escanaba Public Safety. I think they are trying to do the right thing, and willing to make efforts to protect their community. I'm sure they would love bright young minds to join their justice cause in protecting and serving their community. I really mean that. If you have a good head on your shoulders and want to make a contribution I would love to see that department have the pick of the litter in applications. Empathy is important. I have seen empathy on their faces. I know they are good people. Escanaba Public Safety). That doesn't mean there isn't more to the story and we can agree that pulling out of some of the deals and projects was rather abrupt. We seem to be on a better track with that whole affair and it looks like its on course to be a net positive for everyone. As a consequence some of that led to an election upset so politicians should beware if they get on the bad side of public support.

3 for/2 against she was voted to be fired! Pay attention to sequencing of behaviors and activities because that timeline is what will determine if the focus is leaning more toward poor performance or more toward unethical behavior.

Let us see what happens......

I'm actually rather neutral but I do like the spirit of young people and prefer their noise when compared to that of grumpy old people (Yikes! I'm now Old and I'm Grumpy Too! Ok I sheepishly admit that comment was unprecedented and I myself. 😬😅😲🙊💨). Yet, in this case I sit a passive observer of the flavor of local governance. Why not? Isn't that what informed citizens do? 🤷

*FYI there is a small error in the title of the video. Trust me, I make mistakes all the time. Typos are my favorite. I'm awesome at it! 😂 "Delta County Board of Commmissioners Meeting 2-7-2023"

** Some of the audio appeared muffled. You got this IT!

*** The agenda is still blank and doesn't include the meeting minutes. I would love to read them. If they are somewhere else please feel free to post in the comment section. I will post that for the readership. A couple of people trickle in and out. Maybe ☝ or ✌ people here or there.

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