Tuesday, February 28, 2023

COVID-19 Origin: Not Yet Resolved: Lab Seen as More Likely. Maybe Most Likely?

There are different intelligence agencies that are looking at this and they feel as a collective that its the lab, market or something else. Basically there are still holes in the research and that may be intentional on China's part. It would be nice to just go in and find out what happen (I doubt this would happen but things change sometimes.). So its possible that it may have come from a lab, maybe more likely than a market, but not conclusively so. You need more data and need to keep placing each piece of data into your research theory buckets. The unknown bucket being one of the most important because that is where new ideas come (Connecting dots in different ways.). 

For example, going to hunt for secret bat viruses (A theory that is proposed from somewhere else) and then bringing them to a lab to enhance them for inoculation benefits but also perhaps weaponize them as well (Lots of governments play with viruses. Kind of scary when you think of the long term possibility of someone finding the very wrong kind of mix we have no natural immunity and it morphs into something without a cure. So, I'm not a virus fan for extreme genetic manipulation. Yet, it is what it is! Humans are a species that toy with nature, so sometimes nature punches us in the gut to let us know the order of things.)

I'm betting 2 cents that it is more likely going to be the lab versus the market but we don't know that yet. That means I could be wrong and a fairly high probability that I am wrong. When the majority of the agencies get in alignment with their explanations we can say we have a general consensus. With novelty it takes a long time to figure it out because the info is classified, difficult to understand, and specialized to a smaller group of stakeholders. 

We can add a fourth option. 

1. Lab

2. Market/Natural (Its really more of argument of natural cause from animals)

3. Lab and Natural Combo. Meaning it was more or less likely to be in the earlier stages of manipulation/mutation and have close cousins in the natural world. Yet wouldn't have become that deadly unless specialized artificial environments were created in a lab. I wonder if one could sort of determine the mutation jumps to see how close they are to their natural cousins.

4. Something we still don't understand. 

You can read FBI Covid. I like this article by BBC. Covid: FBI chief Christopher Wray says China lab leak 'most likely'

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