Monday, February 20, 2023

Billerud Expected to be a Strong Buy for Stocks (ROE) Return on Equity

Pretty Much Same Place as New Mill
Early 1900's
It might be the biggest any more
but Esky is the Best!
Source: Escanaba Post Cards
If your a stock guy/gal and you have interest in traditional companies that have a long long history in communities such as ours you may want to check out Billerud. While Billerud is a new Escanaba resident, the company comes from a long line of sister background not that much different then our own. Growing up in the cold and woods probably has its environmental similarities. Snow, woods, good food, fresh air, good friends, family.....seems similar (Check it out. Grums Sweden and Escanaba Michigan.).

I'm not trying to create a Hallmark moment here. What I'm saying is that they seem to be investing for the long haul and in may ways already understand the way in which we live our unique histories as a people. They are a natural fit and I would like to see how such a large investment with State and Federal interest leads not only to an increase in stock value but also what the total economic impact will be 5 and 10 years out. (Sustainable Image 1 and Sustainable Image 2). 

Ok, sniff, sniff, I put away the box of tissues and pictures of generations of loggers. 

I really like this article and I'm going to share it with some people. Great stuff....really good! You are teaching and writing. Its the way it should be. News with a purpose! If want to be a guest author sometime....hit the "contact box". 

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