Saturday, February 25, 2023

2 Semi Conductors by 2030 U.S.: Cluster Formation Concept

The Biden Administration announced there will be two semiconductor clusters that are to be developed. You can read more about that in U.S. will create at least two semiconductor manufacturing clusters by 2030, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says. The strategy appears to be designed to create a more rapid development process to ensure digital supremacy for the next era.

Within that article they discuss National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC) which is an attempt to improve innovation. Innovation is becoming extremely important and we should try and foster that broadly in order to develop greater economic engagement in national development of capacities. That requires the frame and it requires a focus.

The description they provide is "The NSTC will be a public-private consortium that provides a platform where government, industry, customers, suppliers, educational institutions, entrepreneurs, workforce representatives, and investors converge to address the semiconductor ecosystem’s most pressing challenges and opportunities."

Clusters are a bunch of different elements that are put together to create synergy where the total value of the cluster is much more than its costs. Government often formulates and sparks these cluster but they could be built organically as well. Each cluster will has its own "vibe"/culture based on how much control and how much free animal spirits are allowed to engage in the magic of creation in which industries.  

The same NSTC article states, At present, the Department is engaged in four high-priority tasks:

1. Evaluating potential gaps in research and engi­neering that could be filled by the NSTC. As part of the whole-of-government effort, the NSTC will complement the many excellent centers already established by industry, academia, allies, and other governmental agencies. The Department will create a preliminary landscape analysis with the benefit of recommendations developed by the CHIPS Industrial Advisory Committee. Ultimately, the NSTC itself will finalize the focus areas, but this early work will inform further decisions.

2. Evaluating and defining a structure and governance model that fulfills the CHIPS for America goals of promoting U.S. economic and national security and protecting taxpayer investments while ensuring technical excellence and leadership.

3. Creating a preliminary operating, business, and financial model that will serve as a road map for near-term investment informed by an understanding of what will be required for long-term sustainability.

4. Identifying a slate of candidates for the NSTC chief executive.

We must think of clusters as being like living entities made up of rapidly evolving activities and outcomes. The human needs are thrown into cause and compensation that lead to focused innovation and an opportunity to create technologies that spark whole new lines of activities. Needs and Economic Systems. We do that through solving market problems using our human and academic-capital! (Ok sorry, a plug for the blog. You see the definition of human capital.)  

To sort of understand the bigger picture one might want to look at  Chips and Science Act.  I'm theory playing on Delta County and whether it could develop its own unique cluster. Not semi conductor but for another purpose in a way that creates an economic system/cluster that can use multiple skills to help multiple industries (Discard idea quickly....)

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