Tuesday, January 3, 2023

House holds 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Vote Without Speaker Selection (118th Congress)

It is interesting to watch how our democracy continues forward despite its most recent challenges. We are thrivers! The speaker hasn't been selected yet and after 6 votes the house can't do their normal work until one is selected. This is how democracy works. Things have for the moment returned to normal sort of idea volley and exchange. Its a conversation....democracy is a conversation of settling upon solutions. It may not seem like that at first but just keep watching. One way or another the system is designed to push out an eventual solution (...even if it isn't at first apparent.)

Lady Liberty
Citizen Fire Company, 1836

Source: National Museum of
American History
Different peoples and groups have different agendas. No one can get everything they want. Some of the points may be valid and some not so much. However, it is about understanding and making those adjustments where they seem appropriate. For example, spending must move down, govt. revenue must go up, or some combination in between. Most people would agree with that, but how that happens is based on how people vote, discuss, and resolve (As long as no one is sacking the capital the discussion and debates are normal. Even some of the sort of political maneuvers are normal. I'm just watching to see how this all works.)

I'm listening to the speeches and I believe that the key idea going forward is to manage for all Americans with the most sound solutions with the greatest chance to succeed. Visions that put us in the place of the most options, best market position, and at the center of the global supply chain value. Finding ways in which we can solve real problems for people at different income spectrums and if we can't solve it then lets remove the road blocks that hold people behind.

That likely means borrowing ideas from each other, researching new solutions, brainstorming, looking over the horizon, setting goals/objectives and compromising so we can overcome our challenges (Party neutral statement.) 

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