Thursday, January 12, 2023

New Classified Documents Found: A Need for Better Document Management and Security?

Two presidents, looks like slightly different issues, but same problem of lack of document protection. So, no matter which way we slice the bread at the end of the day we must have a better document security process. That will mean we need to go back and find out what happened in both cases and fix the problem for the future. It makes no difference if on accident or purpose because there is a general lack of protection and management of top secret information. 

On the surface it looks like different situations but again its just a matter of time and understanding. So let us let the process go forward as it should. This is also the time to ensure we understand where improvement should occur.

There are questions that arise as they relate to such things as an end date when someone/dept. has to return documents, who follows up to ensure they have been returned (My local library will demand I return free books eventually. 🤷), what occurs when they are not returned by a certain date,  are there signatures of transfers, training on top secret documents or are there special places that these documents can only be used, etc.?

Its not an impossible situation to fix, and in business it would be easy. We are not in business and we are in politics. That will mean rationality will be part of the process but so will many other non-essential arguments that sort of muck up the central issues. i.e. why it takes so long to find simple solutions sometimes. 

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