Sunday, January 1, 2023

Gretchen Whitmer inaugurated for second term as Michigan's governor

You can watch Governor Gretchen Whitmer's inauguration below and for the most part it was a pretty good speech (Its historic because of the pandemic and the extremism case so its a situation that will be recorded in the books and analyzed by historians.) In case you didn't notice it, the design of the ceremony appears to be a statement against extremism (A real slight provocation of defiance sort of interwoven into the theme. That is what I see it anyway.). Healthy democracies draw everyone into the same shared goals (There are certain things that Republicans and Democrats can agree upon.)

As a light R, I generally lean Republican but I will support anyone whom I believe is the most qualified for the job because the stakes are bigger than any single election. That of course doesn't mean I would agree with everything she (or Democrats or even Republicans) do/does and of course if I was a politician, which I am not, I would probably argue some key points on some policies and maybe even win a few (Winning defined by bringing everyone forward with a coherent plan.). However, based on what was available at the end of the run, she appeared to be the most qualified. It is what it is and she won a free and fair election so that is what Michiganders want (I support that and have an oath to that. Just in case if you were wondering if party or country is most important to me. For some it is kind of confusing but with hope Democrats and Republicans will find some common ground.)

(This is why new strategies are needed for Republicans in Michigan. We want healthy and robust competition in MI politics so to encourage the best ideas and candidates. Democrats and Republicans often borrow from each other so having high quality candidates also means beneficial debates, discussions, strategies and outcomes. i.e. learning organization/state. In a healthy democracy, we can debate civilly and with good intent without jumping into the sludge with cannon ball style enthusiasm. That criticism applies to both parties and I think in general Americans are becoming irritated with political immaturity that endangers all of us. 

As a side note, there was one Republican candidate that I thought would have done well but he dropped out once the whole signature scandal broke out. I don't think he knew anything about it, but perhaps felt like it would damage his good name. While he might not have that kind of admin experience I think he probably would have learned quickly and gave it his best. Interestingly, this is why we must do everything with integrity. In my mind, based on my understanding, it looked like the lack of integrity of some of the "connected" people in "the field" actually undermined the entire party and the election process by falsifying signatures. 💁

(Hopefully, lesson learned for Republican reemergence as old/new guard comes forward to fill open party gaps. Diversify the party based on new national demographics and the needs of the next American era. Republicans have a lot of good stuff to say but do need a strategy. We never really know what will actually happen so let us wait and see over the next 4 years. Amazingly enough, the world continues to turn..... in the meantime lets innovate the state. ☝)

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