Monday, January 9, 2023

Escanaba in the Moon Light Showing in St. Folsom CA January 22nd, 2023

Deer Hunting is part of the local tourism
so from an economic standpoint and 
a herd management standpoint we want it
to grow. This is a great article. Source: Drawing Detroit 

Its tough being buckless in the U.P. It is like missing your two front teeth during Christmas. People know it, they don't say much, they think its kind of cute, but also a broken rule and a right of passage (Run Bambi....I'll distract them. Into the thicket you go!! Don't look back! As fast as your little hooves can go! ðŸ¦Œ 😂 ) It is almost as though you never learned how to survive in your natural state. In the U.P. we live and breath nature everyday in a way people from other places will not understand. We live with and among native peoples and our history is as deep as Norway pine roots. Escanaba means "land of the red buck" and I have lots of native friends so many of the people have a deep connection to the land. (I guess when I was a little kid my grandmother used to bring me to the Hannahville Tribe Pow Wows. I could do a couple of the dances; probably not very well. She was part Black Foot she said, but her past relatives assimilated into Hannahville.  {I think she was Blackfoot just over quarter. She looked native and I bet people thought she was Italian. Back then you hid being Native American because people didn't always treat you well. Its nice to know we have changed that. I probably have some of the story right and some wrong so I can't really say at this moment its a fact. It might just be a fading memory and in a poetic manner the last to hear it or dance it from her line. Yikes! That's actually a little sad. I remember very little. Bits and pieces. Mostly watching one feather out of many. Not even sure what kind of feather. Lots of jumping and lots of colors and fun. That is it mostly. A couple of steps maybe. ðŸ˜“ It may not be an accurate story at all. I'm not sure it makes much of a difference now anyway. 🤷} In Native American tradition stories are often oral and change from generation to generation. In my case, I'm probably such a low percentage that it is miniscule so it would not be fair to claim the honor of being Blackfoot. I do believe in some ways we are all related. Anyway, you can watch a video honoring the Blackfeet HERE and some of their spiritual beliefs HERE. They had a tough time in history. My grandmother was a great woman. Worked as farm labor, until my gramps came back from WWII. He fought on Burma Road as a medic and asked to take her from her toiling plight and marry her {$5 a week I think. She gave $3 to her family and kept $2}. My gramps was an American and my grandma an "American" and yet they still built a successful farm and business (s)at the blinking light in Hyde and I lived across the yard until about 5 or 6 ish. Our family used to own a store and auto lot called Riverside next to the Ford River we used to walk down to and get ice cream.  That was successful enough to have a nice location in Esky and then sold to another family. I'm not sure if the Chain started before or after but I do remember hanging out in the t.v. room in the back.
January 22nd, 2023
Sutter Street Theatre
717 Sutter St. Folsom, CA 95630
More Info HERE.
The show is being presented at a theater at St. Folsom which looks like such a beautiful place outside Sacramento. Go ahead and take a look on Google Maps

Their choice of movie selection for the evening also shows refined taste in comedy. If I can make a suggestion. Escanaba in Da Moonlight pairs very well with wine from Sun Winery in Bark River. If you want a real treat consider going into Esky and getting some Cheddar cheese at Debacker Family Dairy. Come and visit us sometime! Don't just watch the movie, get on the plane and come hike, fish, boat, and all the other cool stuff! Live it for a while with us. Its a place that is drawing some interest from lifestyle enthusiasts. 

*The video is on YouTube for Free. (If you want to see something interesting look at 51 minutes into the show, ie. Area 51? I once heard that the Northern Lights attracts UAPS as much as a bug zapper in a Yooper summer. ok...i'm kidding but its a little funny.)


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