Wednesday, January 4, 2023

CIA Director Bill Burns Discusses World Challenges: How are Investments and Economy Impacted By World Events?

We often don't think that the CIA super spy intelligence stuff has any real impact on business and the economy. Rest assured it does! Things like sanctions, conflict, international relations, treaties, etc., etc. all contribute to the functioning of the global economy through open or closed pathways of business, travel, communications, resources, banking, so on and so forth... Information in understanding our world is key to national success and will be even more so in the future as more and more information hits the airwaves. The CIA plays a central role in understanding and thwarting efforts by foreign nations to exploit weaknesses in ways that are nefarious in origin (In relatable terms, people like Dr. Evil and his international master minds have been and likely will continue to be chased by people like the 'International Man of Mystery' Austin Powers for the foreseeable future. "Its Freedom Baby Yaa" ok sorry I got sidetracked. I do that from time to time.

Basically, criminals hide and the CIA uncovers them as well as collects data on important national security issues. Kind of interesting video... The CIA is hiring. They also have secrete code you can try and crack. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care.  Can you solve the uncrackable code? {Honestly, I think the last one is symbolic and that is why the same thinking that works for the first layers doesn't work for the last. Maybe not?).


All that data can help businesses make important decisions about where to invest and how to adjust their processes to avoid unnecessary operational impact. Knowing and understanding "hot spots" also leads to better business decisions. If you are planning on doing some international investing you might want to check out the Economic Overview: CIA Fact Book There is lots of excellent information about different countries in there. Take some time and explore the site because it might be a good place to start looking for information for a market study.

Wait!!!!Wait!!!!✋Before you dump your money to the first charlatan with expensive cologne and diamond studded designer sunglasses selling the latest version of snake skin oil, you might want to check out which countries you can and cannot invest in. The US Dept. Treasury Sanctions List seems to be pretty helpful in that regard (🔍 ). You will want to stay compliant and ensure your business doesn't get into hot water. When the hammer of international justice comes down its not going to worry about your latest pedicure or manicure. Nails will get chipped. 😤

Issues that flair up bring all types of disruptions to things like supply chains and investments so it is important to monitor. Each country carries its own risks, benefits and rewards. One must calculate the risks of investing in countries for themselves. For example, the International Finance World Bank Group  has some great information on how to invest in fragile conflict zones (Investing in Conflict Areas) (If you don't know what the World Bank Group is, they invest in economies to reduce poverty.)

1. Be conflict sensitive every step of the way. 

2. Avoid the dilemma of choosing between short- and long-term impacts. 

3. Act fast during transitions, but remain engaged during setbacks. 

4. Commit more than money. 

5. Stick to standards, but be flexible with timing. 

6. Bring in new players and innovate. 

7. Keep markets open for international trade and investment

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