Monday, January 2, 2023

Can Water Keep You Healthy? Drink More for Disease Free Longevity

We all know we need water but did you know that there are studies that help to show that people who drink sufficient water live longer and with less disease when compared to those who drink too little water?    

According to a study of water spanning over 25 years found that lower water consumption, as defined by serum sodium levels, led to shorter and more diseased lives. You can read the study HERE.

Initially, I found the study in an CNN article. You may want to peruse for a more layman's explanation. HERE.

So how much water should you drink?
  • Women should consume 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of fluids daily, and men should have 3.7 liters (125 ounces) daily.
If your into sports and you workout then you might want to drink more water. To tell you the truth I should drink much more and the article and study sort of help highlight that for me. 

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