Friday, January 13, 2023

Are There Concerns the Santos Method Could be a "Legitimate" Way to Power and Money?

"Dogs Playing Poker"
Marcellus Coolidge 1903
Source: ArtInContext
Some of the Republican Party feel Congressman Santos should be forced to leave Congress while others seem to think he should stay because he is now sitting in a Congressional seat. Consider a couple of pieces of information below as it relates to his voters and general low levels of trust in Congress and govt. . As you read these articles also think about whether Santos is legitimate as a Congressman (...meaning he has any legitimate authority in a democracy where voter willful selection was circumvented as a foundation of democracy.)

I'm light R Republican but I would like everyone that is in our government to act with integrity in the best interest of the American people. When we elect candidates to important positions where they may not be qualified, misrepresented information, and have a shady background we have to consider the long term risks to the republic. In politics party often trumps national interest and short sighted thinking leads to much bigger problems in the future.

We need our best and brightest to take important roles in government because they are qualified to do so and can advance our American democracy (as defined by our philosophies and values). They make the best decisions for All Americans (i.e. not just their party.) When we elect on false information and then do not remove those individuals we have put politics above good national health and our own personal value systems. The decline in the trust of our institutions should be concerning and that should prompt us to be mature and professional about national governance. 

Chewy for Congress!
Kept the floor clean from food!
Willing to press button for treat!
Tough on socks!
Partially potty trained! 5 years in a row!
To me, I think that the behavior should be illegal (fraudulent procurement of benefits and power) and if it is not we should vote to make it so to maintain trust and ensure our leaders act with integrity (...the long term game the supersedes daily short trade political decisions.). Transposing a number on accident and inventing a background are different. If we accept anything and the lowest common denominator of values just because someone can blindly press a button like a monkey will not help us maintain our economic, social, or moral authority.

Apparently I am not a lone voice. New York Republican Party Chair Rep. Nick Langworthy called on Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) to resign calling his 2022 bid for Congress “a campaign of deceit, lies and fabrication”. George Santos: ‘I Will NOT Resign’—As New York GOP Chair Joins Calls For Him To Step Down Amid Lying Scandal

Within the video you will find Congressman Santos indicating he should not have to resign and would like to work on Foreign Affairs and Finance Committee (Wow...since when can anyone just proclaim themselves knowledgeable on these topics.). If we accept the Santos Method of procuring resources, finance, and positions of power then we as voters have almost no clue who is running and we have little to no power to control the state of affairs of our nation (I recognize the slight L leaning news piece but also recognize its legitimacy of concern.). 

In essence, we have been sidelined because we lack any real capability of differentiating between candidates and voting becomes a useless mess of picking one pretty face over another. People don't always vote on logic but on perception and impressions of confidence (People who con others show confidence because they lack conscious.). There is a danger of not being informed or being presented accurate information on candidates (One could make a solid sociological argument that low levels of trust are influenced by hyper party politics that encouraged partisans to abandon the democratic process and engage in coordinated political violence that resulted in the first sacking of our capitol. Each action that decreases trust and raised legitimate public concern without correction adds to the risks of future social upheaval. In other words, few care about Santos as an individual but the good moral conscious that some of our connected political elite believe is not necessary for governance of people. You can review Ethics, Representative Govt. and Mistrust and OECD Govt. Trust Poll )

In 2022 the Gallop Poll puts Trust in Congress at 7% HERE and Govt. Trust is 24% HERE

If I run for Congress please consider my fake background 1.) Successful brought five nations from dictatorship to democracy, 2.) CEO of Toyota, Ford, Chrysler at the same time, 3.) invented Wonder Bread, 4.) Worked well with Santa to deliver toys as second in charge of Christmas Operations Unit, 5.) Helped Easter Bunny shorten supply chain of colored eggs, and 6.) willing to press button repeatedly for treats and benefits (I trained my dog to shake a paw for a treat. I bet I can teach him to press a button to vote on things he doesn't understand and isn't qualified to make decisions on.) 

I should be a shoe in!

Capitals are increased by parsimony, and diminished by prodigality and misconduct. 
Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations

*P.S. One way to improve integrity is to audit all of Congress resumes for gross "embellishments" and perhaps cross reference entities that appear suspicious in nature. We probably don't want to do that because it might open more issues but If what I'm saying sounds like it could have merrit it might have an impact on bumping up the 7% trust factor. Do I believe Congress will adapt? Yes, because the alternatives in the long term don't seem to be positive. This is a party neutral statement and the article is designed to help us think and improve our national competitiveness to maintain our standing as a open democracy. Please disregard if it doesn't fit within a particular selective attention genre of information that likely reconfirms a false proposition.

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