Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Few Firefighter Tips During Cold Weather (Delta County, MI.)

When you live in the U.P. you are going to get cold! It can snow up to a foot, wind whips across the fields and lakes, ice is everywhere and roads are slick. Many accidents happen when conditions are cold and icy. If your fighting a fire you could be standing out in hazards for significant amount of time with water crystalizing in mid air making everything frozen (It's cold even with turnout gear. It helps but your extremities are still going to feel it. One time I went to a minus 20 degree scene and my fingers were frozen to the bone even with heavy fire retardant gloves. Fingers, toes and face usually get it first.). The same can be said for car accident scenes where people have been stranded in the cold for a significant amount of time and hypothermia has set in (In rural places like the U.P. you should always have a safety bag. Yikes! 💨)You might just get cold! Expect it! Prepare for it!!! 🥶

Likewise, if you enjoy the outdoors and are visiting the Delta Count, MI. area, you may want to review the video below. For those of us who sometimes get a little extreme with our outdoor activities this is doubly important. You really need to come visit the area to see it for yourself (...also you can come invest here if you want hedge your portfolios. {<<<Example of shameless area promotion plug. 🙊)

Safety is important and knowledge keeps you safe. A nice discussion morphed among firefighters (FF), "How long does it take to get hypothermia and how long until you are incapacitated in freezing cold weather?" .....the answer is.......Everything is dependent on the conditions but think somewhere around 10 minutes of exposure can lead to hypothermia and 1 hour will pretty much kill you! You can read more about that HERE. 

(P.S. we are looking for a new grass truck so if you have $100k to donate to a non-profit, or any other help, that would be nice. You will receive much more in good karma than you could ever donate in other places because the blessing you receive here helps to give blessings to others in emergency situations. See...if your a spiritual person you might think "Wow, I can give once and it just keeps on giving as long as the truck is being used." Its like a jackpot of awesomeness! A type of good karma lottery! If your a company that is even better PR. Anyway, if your in the holiday spirit and/or year end tax balancing Santa mood you can contact the dept. HERE.) :) 

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