Sunday, December 11, 2022

Zero Carbon Limitless Fusion Energy: Oil Out in Digital Era?

The Information Age brings forward a digital era that comes with it increased exploration and science much like you would find during the Renaissance (We are making an assumption that we are moving into a new era much like we move into the Industrial Era. Except, this is more virtual and using different infrastructure than was used in the hard density manufacturing of the past.). The possibility of unlimited energy, modern infrastructure, global communications and distribution, as well as whole new ways of learning and developing. I would think of this like the Roaring 20's where new innovations bring new opportunities and solutions. If true, an energy source that creates more than it costs without much carbon pollution would be a game changer (It sort of mutes a few arguments because it would be an important developmental path for commercialization.).

What U.S. administrators should think about how to capitalize on the rapid future changes to the market by placing itself at the center of the supply chain? With new energy and technology can come very interesting new ways (doors) to explore  the technology of tomorrow, the infrastructure that will allow for high information environments, and foster the human capital to master future challenges (While we may have developed complexity in society we are still bound to innovation as a creation of a "tool" of one type of another. Using sticks to get ants out of a log or someday drilling holes on Mars for new minerals they are all tools.)

Is oil out? Not yet...its still can fit within a plug and play energy grid (Something the U.S. should think about as innovation improves and changes our environment we need a system that structurally is sound and well designed for local and regional development, two way energy to input and draw, multiple energy inputs to increase market cost calibration, and greater resilience not only from natural elements but also from human caused ones. )

US scientists make major breakthrough in ‘limitless, zero-carbon’ fusion energy: report

When you are finished changing, you are finished”. - Benjamin Franklin

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